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Participate in NextRise 2023
NextRise, the largest startup conference hosted by the Industrial Bank of Korea (KDB), Korea International Trade Association (KITA) and government ministries
Resumed offline again last year and held offline again this year → A grand event using Halls A and B on the first floor of COEX and the entire second floor
From ministers to the Prime Minister, they visit booths in person and encourage participating companies.
Not only domestic startups are participating, but many companies from Southeast Asia and the Middle East are also participating.
Personally, I participated for the lecture, but each booth was also very interesting and I was able to see many new attempts.
A startup that personally impressed me was
EasyTask, a small-scale outsourcing specialist service
Smart accommodation management SaaS ONDA
Interactive Survey Form Smore
Of course, I was impressed by places that are already doing well, such as Rutton, Channel Talk, Scatter Lab, Vessel AI, Kadoc, and Specter.
The lecture will cover the development of artificial intelligence, the methods used in collaboration tools, and personal perspectives.
The title is <Collaboration in the AI Era: Opportunity or Crisis?>
A 50-minute presentation that briefly introduces artificial intelligence and discusses trends, utilization methods, and prospects.
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