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Ted Chiang's disappointing lecture and how do humans come up with language?
Ted Chang, who spoke about artificial intelligence at a forum recently held in Korea, appeared as a speaker. Ted Chiang is one of my favorite authors, but unfortunately I found it hard to agree with much of what he said this time around. Much of what he said can be refuted by Jacques Rancier's structuralist linguistics. It was as if Lewis Banks had his first encounter with an unknown world in the movie <Contact (2016) Arrival>. Are you afraid and not trying to understand something? It was a feeling.
"Language is the foundation of civilization. It is the glue that holds a people together. It is the first weapon drawn in a conflict." Language is the cornerstone of civilization, the bond that binds people, and the first weapon in all conflicts.
Ted Chang has argued that artificial intelligence is not truly intelligent because it lacks intention and choice, but this is already a topic of conversation among language philosophers and structuralists, such as the Chinese Room debate and various others.
This was recently disclosed in a paper by Antropic titled Scaling Monosemanticity.
I took two videos related to this. One of the two is artificial intelligence dubbing. Guess which is the artificial intelligence dubbing!