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One of the key elements to achieving good results in question-answering methods using language models is to improve the format of the prompts. A prompt is the input given to the model, which contains questions or instructions. A good prompt helps the model generate more accurate and useful answers.
There are several ways to improve your prompts.
First, it is important to give clear and specific instructions. Make it clear what you want the model to do and what information you need so that they understand exactly what you are asking them to do. For example, it is a good idea to give clear instructions such as “Give a brief summary of the French Revolution.”
The French Revolution was a significant historical event that took place from 1789 to 1799. The revolution began primarily as a reaction against economic inequality, corrupt aristocracy, and royal authority. The revolution can be divided into three main stages.
The First Revolution (1789-1791): The revolution began around democratic principles and called for the French National Assembly to take power. During this period, the National Assembly, elected as the people's representative, attempted to revolutionize the ancient regime.
Second Revolution (1792-1794): In this phase, the French Republic was proclaimed, and wars with foreign countries and internal rebellions created a complex situation. This period is known as a time of extreme political currents and terror, with many people being executed.
Third Revolution (1794-1799): Napoleon Bonaparte emerged, stabilized the revolution, and established the Napoleonic Empire. This phase ended the revolution, but Napoleon's rule continued and had a major impact on French and European history.
The French Revolution had a profound impact on modern world history, introducing the world to the principles of freedom, equality, penal reform, and democracy.
Second, it is also important to provide context. Providing background or relevant information about the question will help the model provide more accurate and relevant answers. For example, it is helpful to specify the current situation or a specific perspective, such as “As of 2023, explain the impact of the French Revolution.”
As of 2023, the French Revolution still has a profound impact on the politics, society, and culture of the modern world. Although the revolution occurred centuries ago, its influence is still felt today, and manifests itself in the following ways:
Human Rights and Democracy: The French Revolution presented human rights and democracy as important values. To this day, the principles of the French Revolution have influenced the protection of human rights and the realization of democracy around the world, and are reflected in the constitutions and legal systems of various countries.
Democracy and Republic: The French Revolution influenced modern political systems by emphasizing democracy and republicanism. France's political system operates on republican principles, and other countries have sometimes imitated or been influenced by it.
Political and economic reforms: The French Revolution was a revolutionary change against the aristocracy and corrupt monarchy. These principles serve as the basis for today's social, political, and economic reforms.
World History and Culture: The French Revolution has had a profound impact on world history and culture. The ideas and principles of the Revolution have served as a driving force for revolution and change in many countries and regions, and have influenced movements seeking freedom and independence in places as diverse as Africa, the United States, and Latin America.
International Politics: The French Revolution also influenced international politics and diplomacy. The ideology of the Revolution influenced relations and negotiations with other countries, and influenced political change and cooperation in the international community.
The French Revolution remains one of the most important events in history, and its principles and values still have a profound impact on the modern world today.
Third, it is also useful to specify the format of the input and output. For example, you can include instructions such as providing answers in list format or requiring answers of a certain length. This makes it clearer what format the model should respond in. For example, if you say, "Please summarize the French Revolution in a chronological order," it would return:
Let's organize the major events of the French Revolution into a chronological table.
Major events
- Molteni Conference held
- Declaration of unity on the tennis court
- Storming of the Bastille (Storm of the Bastille)
- Adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights
- Start of the Franco-Austrian War
- Royal French Legion (Battle of Rue Webbru)
- Proclamation of the First French Republic
- Execution of Louis XVI
- Thermidorian Reaction
- Elimination of the Robespierre Royal Family
- Reign of Terror
- Execution of Robespierre
- Establishment of a directory government
- Napoleon Bonaparte's Brumaire Coup
By improving the prompt format in this way, we can obtain better question-answering results using the language model. When the prompt instructions are clear and the appropriate context and format are provided, the model can generate more accurate and useful information. In fact, those who are quick-witted will know that this is more useful than you think. You can have a conversation or have an infinite number of questions and answers. People who study English with chatGPT these days are also using this.
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