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[Stub article] What I felt while reading Facebook and Twitter
Freedom of speech is a basic right of every individual, but its exercise comes with responsibilities depending on the situation. Speeches in private settings are mainly limited to the exchange of personal opinions and are therefore unlikely to cause social repercussions. On the other hand, comments made in public or by people with social status have greater influence and require a higher level of responsibility. This is because the words of politicians, celebrities, experts, etc. influence the formation of public opinion. Remarks on public platforms such as SNS can spread quickly and cause social division or misunderstanding.
Therefore, public statements must be made accurately, fairly and responsibly. This is essential to prevent the spread of fake news and maintain social trust. Fulfilling responsibility for public speech contributes to the formation of a healthy public sphere and social development.
Meanwhile, communication between a speaker and a listener is a very complex process. Speakers have an obligation to clearly convey their opinions and information. However, the listener's understanding and acceptance depends on his cognitive and emotional factors. The speaker's avoidance of responsibility by saying things like "it's annoying" or "I don't know what to do to explain" ignores the listener and undermines a healthy conversation culture .
However, the speaker cannot force the listener to understand. This is because the listener's interpretation is influenced by his or her background knowledge, experiences, and emotions. The speaker must provide sufficient explanation, but leave the listener's understanding and interpretation to the listener.
In short, speakers must take responsibility for their remarks and explain them faithfully. However, the listener's understanding of it is the listener's own domain, including interpretations based on personal experience and knowledge. In this process, smooth communication becomes possible when both the speaker and the listener take a responsible attitude. Rather, I believe that the more people who explain things, the fewer people will spread the current incorrect information.
    모두가 알다시피 안듣기로 마음먹은 사람에게는 천금을 줘도 말을 듣거나 진심으로 생각을 바꾸지 않습니다. 하지만 이것 청취자(수신자)의 문제이지 그렇다고 발화자가 설명할 책임이 사라지는게 아니라는 것이라 생각합니다.
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