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Reactance is a psychological phenomenon in which a user rejects or resists an action when he or she feels forced or restricted to do something. This is a reaction that occurs when a user's freedom and choice are restricted.
The description of Reactance is as follows:
Freedom and Choice: Users value freedom and choice, and tend to rebel when they feel coerced or restricted.
Design considerations: When designing a product or service, you should consider respecting the user’s freedom of choice and minimizing restrictions. For example, it is important not to hide too much essential information or functionality in an app.
Communication: When informing users of any limitations or changes, it is important to clearly communicate the reasons and benefits. If users understand why such a decision is necessary, it will reduce resistance.
Optional Feedback: It is useful to provide users with optional feedback opportunities, which helps them feel more free and have more choices. This can help users feel like they are contributing to the product or service through their feedback.
Designing and strategy with Reactance in mind can help users have a positive experience and maintain trust in your product or service.
Reactance can have a negative impact on the user experience and may cause users to not use your product or service. It is important to adjust your design and communication strategy to minimize this and provide a positive experience.