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When it comes to data visualization, artificial intelligence is the way to go.
Microsoft has introduced LIDA, an LLM-based data visualization automation tool.
LIDA is a tool for automatically generating visualizations and infographics from data based on Large Language Models (LLMs) and Image Generation Models (IGMs). The tool consists of four main modules.
SUMMARIZER: Summarizing data in natural language
GOAL EXPLORER: Set visualization goals based on data
VISGENERATOR: Generate, refine, execute, and filter visualization code
INFOGRAPHER: Create infographics by faithfully styling your data.
Data Summarization: Summarize data concisely and in natural language.
Automatic data exploration: Automatically generate meaningful visualization goals based on your dataset.
Grammar-agnostic visualization: Support for a variety of programming languages and visualization libraries.
Create infographics: Turn your data into rich, stylized infographics
It may not work well for visualization grammars that are not well represented in the LLM's training dataset.
Code execution is required, and a sandbox environment is recommended for safe code execution.
Things to think about
Automation of Data Visualization: How Effectively Can LIDA Automate Data Visualization Tasks?
Support for multiple programming languages: Which programming languages and libraries are compatible with LIDA?
Safety and Limitations: Is it safe to run code in LIDA, and what are the limitations?
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