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Curse of Knowledge

The Curse of Knowledge refers to the tendency for people to assume that others know what they know. This is an important concept, especially in user experience (UX) design.
The Curse of Knowledge is often seen in designs that include jargon or complex features. When designers or developers share their domain knowledge, they may understand it from a different perspective than the average user. This can confuse the average user or make it difficult for the user to find the information or features they want.
Strategies to address these issues include:
Collect user feedback: It is important to consider your users’ perspective and level of understanding. Collect user feedback and use it to improve your design.
Terminology and Concept Explanation: When using complex terms or concepts, provide simple and clear explanations. Try to make it easy for users to understand.
These efforts can help overcome the Curse of Knowledge and help users use your products or services more smoothly and effectively.
The Curse of Knowledge is very important in UX design. If the level of knowledge that designers assume the user has is different from the actual level of knowledge, this can cause a poor user experience. A design that users do not understand or find confusing can reduce the effectiveness of a product or service.