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One year after ChatGPT was launched, has there really been any change in the search market?
At the end of October 2022, chatGPT started open beta, and many people talked about the threat to the search market. In fact, MS's Bing quickly introduced GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in succession, increasing its influence in the search market. Well, everyone thought that was the case at the time, but now a year has passed and the report card is out. Has Google's dominance in the search market weakened?
“Imagine that haha” Just in February of this year, many people said that Google’s stronghold would collapse. (link)
Google Search Market Share “No Problem”
Recent reports and data analysis have claimed that ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, is eating into Google’s search market share. However, these claims appear to be exaggerated at the moment. In fact, ChatGPT accounts for only 2% of Google’s monthly traffic, making its impact on Google’s search market dominance negligible.
According to StatCounter, Google’s global search market share was 91.53% in October 2023, the lowest it has been in the past 12 months . However, this is interpreted as a change due to other factors rather than the impact of ChatGPT. In fact, Google’s search market share has remained relatively stable since August 2015 (90.7% on an annual basis).
MS: "We must stop Google's monopoly." (*rubbing Windows)
Microsoft's Bing is down slightly year-over-year. In fact, usage is down YoY. Its overall ranking is flat (low). Meanwhile, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella warns that AI technologies will further strengthen Google's dominance.
Hey, are you okay?
ChatGPT’s traffic has grown to 55 million per month, or 2% of Google’s traffic. This suggests that AI-based platforms like ChatGPT are gradually gaining a user base, but it’s not enough to threaten Google’s dominance.
This data on the search market has important implications for search marketers. While AI has the potential to transform search, it shows that Google’s dominant position, which it has maintained since 2015, remains unchanged. The impact of Google, ChatGPT, and AI on the search market remains to be seen, but there are no immediate changes to be seen.
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