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How do researchers use AI Chatbots?
There is an interesting article in Nature. It is a study on how the advent of artificial intelligence, or more specifically chatGPT, has changed the efficiency and methods of their research.
According to the survey, about one-third of postdocs are using AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, to improve the efficiency of their research work. The use of AI chatbots is contributing to solving various problems such as text translation, code editing, and writer’s block.
31% of researchers changed the way they write their papers, 22% changed the way they analyze their data, and 17% changed the way they keep up with the latest literature. → This suggests that the rapid introduction and development of AI chatbots is having a significant impact on the way academic work is done .
Among AI chatbot users, 63% use chatbots for text cleaning, 56% for code generation/editing/troubleshooting, and 29% for literature search/summarization. They are also used for preparing papers, preparing presentation materials, and improving experimental protocols.
17% of AI chatbot users use chatbots daily, 43% weekly, 23% monthly, and 17% less than once a month.
AI chatbots are becoming an important tool for improving the overall efficiency of research activities. In particular, they greatly contribute to saving researchers’ time and effort through automation of repetitive tasks, complex data analysis, and real-time information updates. In addition, AI chatbots have the potential to improve the quality of research by helping researchers focus on more creative and complex problems.
AI chatbots are driving changes in research work, and these tools are expected to promote productivity and innovation in academic research in the future. The continued development of AI chatbots will lead to changes not only in academic research but also in various fields such as education, medicine, and industry. Therefore, it is important to find effective ways to utilize AI chatbots and provide educational and policy support for this.
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