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Has Corona changed your personality? Here are some interesting findings.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted social rituals and transitions for more than two years. Recent studies have shown that it has made people less extroverted, creative, agreeable, and conscientious . The decline in these traits has been particularly pronounced among young people.
Questions or insights to consider
Disruption of Social Rituals: What Psychological Effects Does the Disruption of Social Rituals and Transitions Have on Personality?
The Influence of the Young Generation: Why Are Young People More Influenced?
Long-term implications of personality changes: What are the long-term implications of these personality changes on society and individuals?
Differential personality change earlier and later in the coronavirus pandemic in a longitudinal sample of adults in the United States
Five-factor model personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness) are thought to be relatively impervious to environmental demands in adulthood. The coronavirus pandemic is an unprecedented opportunity to examine whether personality changed during a stressful global event. Surprisingly, two previous studies found that neuroticism decreased early in the pandemic, whereas there was less evidence for change in the other four traits during this period. The present research used longitudinal assessments of personality from the Understanding America Study (N = 7,109; 18,623 assessments) to examine personality changes relatively earlier (2020) and later (2021–2022) in the pandemic compared to pre-pandemic levels. Replicating the two previous studies, neuroticism declined very slightly in 2020 compared to pre-pandemic levels; there were no changes in the other four traits. When personality was measured in 2021–2022, however, there was no significant change in neuroticism compared to pre-pandemic levels, but there were significant small declines in extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. The changes were about one-tenth of a standard deviation, which is equivalent to about one decade of normative personality change. These changes were moderated by age and Hispanic/Latino ethnicity, but not race or education. Strikingly, younger adults showed disrupted maturity in that they increased in neuroticism and declined in agreeableness and conscientiousness. Current evidence suggests the slight decrease in neuroticism early in the pandemic was short-lived and detrimental changes in the other traits emerged over time. If these changes are enduring, this evidence suggests population-wide stressful events can slightly bend the trajectory of personality, especially in younger adults.
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