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Three-line summary of Professor Andrew Ng’s visit to Korea (Kakao, Seoul National University)
Professor Andrew Ng came to the company. In fact, rather than something new in theory or fact, I was very impressed by his words about consistency and not being swayed by trends. In the case of the lecture given at Seoul National University, he talked more about principles and application, and at Kakao, it was a time to share lessons learned, so it was good.
Artificial intelligence and deep learning will lead humanity in a universally better direction.
That's why we need to make it more responsible.
In addition, universal education must be carried out simultaneously.
LLM can solve problems from real life to complex systems more than you might think.
Personal computers will become as personalized as smartphones
Professionally used AI models and generally used AI models will go in different directions
A startup idea must be concrete.
Definition of a Concrete Idea: It must be an idea that is clear enough to be put into action immediately, with a clear goal to achieve, and that can be verified as right or wrong.
Idea → Idea verification (1 month) → Recruiting a team to work with (2 months) → MVP development (3 months)
Pre-seed investment and subsequent investment/development cycle (12 months) The viability of the business should be determined in approximately 1.5 to 2 years.
He also worked at big tech companies (Google, Baidu), but because they were so large, it was difficult to move quickly to implement new ideas, so he left and started his own business.
Don't be swayed by trends, just keep doing what you've been doing. Skills are just seasoning.
Various artificial intelligence services have been released, but they are successful for a short time and then disappear.
It collapses when it becomes too big to handle. In the end, it is better to be consistent in your own field. Don't be shaken.
Apps without differentiated original technology may seem to grow in an instant, but they also fall just as quickly, making it difficult for them to become a sustainable business.
It is important that the services developed in the future do not provide all services, but allow users to easily customize and use them to fit their own problems, regardless of the field.
Low/No-code tool is the way for customization
Professor Andrew Ng is one of the world's top four AI scholars, the founder of Landing AI and Deep Learning AI, and the founder of the Google Brain Project. He also led machine learning, voice recognition search, and self-driving car development at Baidu in China. He founded Coursera, an online open lecture platform, and teaches machine learning to students for free, making him a leading figure in AI research.
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