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Serial Position Effect

The Serial Position Effect refers to the phenomenon in which people remember items at the beginning and end of a list better than items in the middle. This is a psychological phenomenon that shows the influence of items in a specific position on memory during learning or information transfer.
Primacy Effect: Part of the Serial Position Effect, items at the beginning of a list tend to be remembered longer because information that appears first receives more attention.
Recency Effect: Another element of the serial position effect is that items at the end of a list tend to be remembered better, because information that appears later is relatively fresh in memory.
Middle position effect: Items in the middle may be less likely to be remembered because they receive less attention. However, there are a variety of techniques and methods that can be used to overcome this position effect by placing important information or key messages in the middle.
When conveying information by considering the Serial Position Effect, you can place important content or key messages at the beginning and end, or emphasize content in the middle to make it stay in the user's memory longer.
The Serial Position Effect plays an important role in many fields such as advertising, marketing, education, and presentations. Understanding and utilizing this phenomenon can help you develop more effective strategies for conveying and remembering information.