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Traditional storytelling vs game storytelling
Traditional storytelling has many of the same problems that traditional storytelling often has, such as lack of character development, predictable storylines, lack of pacing, inconsistent tone, lack of conflict, and poor dialogue. Game storytelling adds interactivity, which significantly changes the way stories are told. This opens up new possibilities, but it can also cause various problems.
Typical structure of game storytelling | Source: Asurang’s blog
Approaches to game storytelling
Rules change: In games, the rules that apply in traditional storytelling change or are newly added. This means that even experienced writers have to start over.
Start small: Rather than embarking on a larger project with complex game mechanics (e.g. dynamic narrative, reputation system, randomly generated NPCs, etc.), we recommend starting with simple linear storytelling using familiar techniques.
Linear Narrative: You can start by applying traditional storytelling techniques to the video game format.
Walking Simulator: This is a simple video game format that can be a good starting point for exploring game mechanics while conveying a basic story to the player.
Progression: It's a good idea to evolve your game's storytelling by gradually giving players more choices and agency.
Remember Stephen King's words, "The scariest moment is always just before you begin. After that, things can only get better." It's important to overcome the difficulty of beginning."
- Stephen Hawking
Storytelling in games requires a different approach than traditional storytelling, and presents new opportunities and challenges. It is recommended to start simple, then gradually increase complexity and develop your storytelling skills.
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