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Understand the structure of prompts

In the previous guide, we understood the basic workings of prompting. After all, this is very similar to people. Unless you are a very chatty person, the more detailed the question, the more specific and specific the purpose, the more accurate the answer to the question. In other words, understanding the elements that make up an effective prompt is the royal road and the foundation for writing a good prompt. A well-written prompt can include all of the following elements:
Instruction, a directive or task that you want the model to perform. It tells the model what results you expect.
Context. A story about the topic we talked about earlier.
A context-based, developmental conversation through feedback rather than a one-off conversation
"Summarize the next paragraph."
"Sort by [name], [age]"
"Refer to the uploaded report"
Prompt: "첨부한 '2023 경제활동 인구 노동시장 보고서'를 바탕으로 요약해줘"
Prompt: 위에서 언급된 '경제활동'인구의 정의가 뭐야? / 난 경제활동에 OOO도 포함하고 싶어.
Prompt: 첨부된 보고서의 내용을 바탕으로 [요약],[나이별 노동인구 분석], [세대별 노동인구 차이]에 대해 보고서 형태로 작성해줘
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