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My personal opinion on Meta’s Threads
Actually, I touched on this briefly before when Zuckerberg and Musk were said to be fighting (physically)...
It's actually been released and reviews are starting to come in on social media.
Some people say this is a complete copy of Twitter, it's a safe bet
Reels and Shorts copied TikTok's format → People who don't even know Vine exists
This is copied from Twitter out of ignorance → Someone who has never used Twitter properly
As a consumer, sharing your experience is a good thing, and criticizing a service is not bad either. Just blindly following something or saying it's the same as something else doesn't seem like a good attitude...
Wouldn't it be more progressive to think about what's missing, what's different, and why it's here?
Google, Meta, Amazon, and Microsoft all make mistakes when they make new products, so I don't think it's good to criticize them as if they never make mistakes themselves → Limited to IT industry people
Personally, I think the point of this thread was to create an antithesis to Instagram.
A typical thing I felt was that when I went to my personal profile, I could see my followers but not my following.
→ It's a surprisingly important point that I see my followers but don't see the people I follow.
The algorithm that shows you what you like when you don't follow is a bit interesting.
Usually, they ask you to set your interests, but I don't know what algorithm they used to put this person in front of me.
Wouldn't there be a boom like Twitter or LinkedIn?
I also think it follows the microblogging formula.
Twitter also used to be a microblogging concept.
It also reminds me of the Amoeba Mixi that was popular in Japan.
I'm thinking of it as a microblogging service that can handle text-based content that wasn't available on Instagram.
The bold decision to remove hashtags was also good, as they have lost their original meaning and have now become a public nuisance → Of course, they will probably be added later or split into topics, etc.
What I feel while writing Threads is the legacy bomb issue I experienced at Facebook and the process of creating a Facebook alternative.
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