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Declining birth rate occurring worldwide
Newsis: Since 2017, the birth rate has continued to decline even though 20 trillion won has been spent annually.
The birth rate in Korea is a number that is difficult to observe in any country... but it is said that the birth rate is decreasing worldwide regardless of the country's GDP, religion, etc. I would like to share an article by Martin Gurri, a former CIA analyst and policy researcher.
It deals with the world population decline and its social, economic and psychological impacts. The article analyzes the phenomenon of declining birth rates in both rich and poor countries and discusses what the future holds for this trend. In particular, it points out cultural and psychological factors that make young people less likely to have children.
The decline in birth rates brought about by wealth and poverty
In wealthy countries, it is no longer surprising that birth rates are falling. But the same phenomenon is also occurring in poor countries, suggesting that it is not simply a matter of economic factors.
Cultural Background of the Choice to Not Have Children
Younger generations, especially Generation Z, have negative attitudes toward having children due to various social and cultural factors. These attitudes ultimately affect society as a whole, leading to a decline in the birth rate.
Future social and economic impacts
The decline in birth rates will cause various social and economic problems in the future. For example, an increase in the elderly population will put a burden on welfare systems, which may eventually lead to the collapse of the social safety net.
The relationship between having children and happiness
Many studies have shown that couples are less happy when they have children. These results make people afraid to have children, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the birth rate.
Conclusion: Individual Choice and the Future of Society
Having children is ultimately a personal choice. However, this choice has a huge impact on society as a whole. Therefore, a change in personal and cultural attitudes toward having children is necessary, and this will solve future social and economic problems.
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