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Nvidia announces the release of GH200, a generative AI next-generation superchip platform
NVIDIA has announced the GH200, a new Grace Hopper superchip platform for the era of accelerated computing and generative AI. The platform is based on the world’s first HBM3e processor and is designed to handle complex generative AI tasks such as large language models, recommender systems, and vector databases.
Key Features
Memory and Bandwidth: The platform features 144 Arm Neoverse cores, 8 petaflops of AI performance, and 282GB of the latest HBM3e memory technology, delivering up to 3.5x more memory capacity and 3x more bandwidth than the current generation.
Grace Hopper Superchip: This superchip can be connected to additional superchips via NVIDIA NVLink™, allowing them to collaborate in deploying the massive models used in generative AI.
HBM3e Memory: 50% faster than current HBM3, HBM3e memory delivers a combined bandwidth of 10TB/sec, improving performance with 3x faster memory bandwidth while running 3.5x larger models than its predecessor.
Market Launch: System manufacturers are expected to launch systems based on this platform in Q2 2024.
Questions to consider
The Impact of HBM3e Memory: How Can HBM3e Memory Technology Improve the Performance and Efficiency of Generative AI?
Grace Hopper Superchip Applications: In what industries or applications could this new superchip platform have the biggest impact?
The Future of Accelerated Computing: What Does NVIDIA's GH200 Grace Hopper Platform Mean for the Future of Accelerated Computing and Generative AI?
I'm thinking about holding some more Nvidia stock.
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