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China is preparing to produce its own semiconductors.
Chinese tech giant Baidu says its AI services are not significantly affected by the U.S. ban on chip technology exports, thanks to silicon chips that are allowed to be sold in China and alternative plans. Currently, most silicon chips that significantly improve AI performance are produced in the U.S. and U.S.-friendly countries, so these trade sanctions have been fatal for China.
In fact, not long ago, Hynix had a problem because a Hynix semiconductor product that it had never sold was installed in a Huawei phone that was recently released. It is normal for Korea to not be able to export like before due to pressure from the US, but they were using it. Of course, SK maintained its position that it had never sold it directly and that it did not know how it acquired it.
Regardless of the truth, it is certain that various Chinese companies, such as Huawei, Xiaomi, and BYD, are experiencing shortages of AI chipsets and semiconductors. What position will China take in this situation? Will it reconcile with the United States?
Yeah, we'll just make it
Baidu recently developed and released its ErnieBot 4.0 (EB4) basic model using chips already in its data centers. The model is evaluated to be at a similar level to GPT4 and shows excellent performance in coding. Baidu has a significant stockpile of AI chips, which is expected to support the improvement of ErnieBot in the next 1-2 years.
Baidu also acknowledged that the chip export ban will affect the pace of China's AI development, but it plans to mitigate this challenge by leveraging the strengths of its own AI architecture and AI algorithms.
Baidu is looking for chip suppliers from other countries and is modifying its own PaddlePaddle deep learning framework and EB4 to make them compatible with different types of AI chips.
Recently, Alibaba and Baidu have also released language models. I only used ERINE, and I was surprised that it was better than I thought. It was as effective as 13b-koen-llama.
China chooses to become stronger on its own
Despite the US chip embargo, Baidu maintains its strength in AI services. The company is minimizing the impact on AI development by developing its own technology, stockpiling chips, and improving compatibility with various AI chips. This strategy is likely to play a key role in helping China's AI industry adapt to changes in the global market and maintain competitiveness. In addition, there is a precedent in China that has actually forced Alibaba to invest in and enter the semiconductor industry.
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