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AI Gold Rush and College Dropouts: A Choice or a Gambit for the Future?
As recently reported in the Wall Street Journal, the rapid growth of AI (artificial intelligence) is causing some college students to drop out of school and focus on startups or research. There is a heated debate over whether this is a wise choice for the future or a reckless challenge. According to the media, the rate of dropouts and school absences is increasing rapidly compared to the previous startup boom.
The AI field is currently growing rapidly, and many companies and research institutes are hiring AI experts in large numbers. In this situation, some college students are choosing to drop out of school, believing that gaining direct experience in the AI field is more beneficial than what the existing education system can provide them.
Practical experience and rapid growth
College students who drop out of school and jump into the AI field can quickly grow through participating in practical projects or through research. In addition, experience in startups or companies can develop practical problem-solving skills rather than theoretical knowledge.
High risk and instability
However, this choice carries high risks. As the AI field changes rapidly, today’s technology is likely to be replaced by tomorrow’s technology. Also, if you stop studying, it may be difficult to find a stable job.
Thesis and Antithesis? Fusion Education and Leave of Absence
Instead of completely dropping out of school, one option is to gain knowledge in various fields through integrated education. Another option is to take a leave of absence to temporarily gain experience in the AI field and then resume your studies.
Ultimately it's a choice
Whether or not it is a wise choice for your future to take a break from your studies and join the AI gold rush depends on your individual circumstances and preparation. The important thing is that you must be prepared to accept the consequences of whatever choice you make. Therefore, it is important to think carefully and prepare well before making such a big decision.
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