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Amateurs are obsessed with tools, and professionals are obsessed with skills.
In the modern world, it is easy to get caught up in technological trends.
I am fascinated by new gadgets, but it is only a temporary obsession.
What determines greatness is not the latest software or the fastest hardware, but the individual's mindset and skills.
Even in an era where electronic music production is mainstream, acoustic guitars are still consumed as beautiful music in the hands of excellent musicians.
Even in the digital world, there are a plethora of tools that promise innovation, but we need to develop timeless, fundamental skills.
Experts value improving their skills more than having tools → consistency, sincerity
The fear of being replaced has been constant throughout human history, but in the end, those who are highlighted are those with their own stories, brands, or technologies.
You may want the latest tool or app, but it’s more helpful to use it to focus on your work and what’s truly important.
Rather, when the heralds of new technologies say that they must be done now, immediately, right away, there are many cases where it is not necessary.
Metaverse, cryptocurrency, before that, it was mp3, computers, etc.
Trumpeters can easily change themes, but those who are trapped by the FOMO they bring are already at a loss.
A true expert must develop expertise through consistent practice and a deep understanding of the fundamentals.
Always focus on the basics, timeless principles, and the pursuit of mastery.
It's important to do what's truly important rather than getting caught up in the latest trends.
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