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OpenAI’s image generation model, DALL-E 3, launched
DALL-E is a text-to-image model developed by OpenAI. The model generates digital images based on natural language descriptions, or “prompts.” DALL-E was first released on January 5, 2021, and uses a modified version of GPT-3 to generate images. On April 6, 2022, a successor, DALL-E 2, was announced, which can generate more realistic and high-resolution images.
Differences in results when the same prompt is entered in Dali 2 and Dali 3
The recently released DALL-E 3 seems to focus on high quality, detailed expression, prompt engineering, and expandability. The most notable features are as follows.
DALL-E 3 Features: DALL-E 3 can produce more detailed and accurate images than previous versions. The ability to produce images that correspond exactly to text has been greatly improved.
Integration with ChatGPT: DALL-E 3 is based on ChatGPT, and allows for fine-tuning of prompts using ChatGPT.
Reduced need for prompt engineering: DALL-E 3 allows users to create and enhance desired images without having to learn complex prompt engineering.
Personally, I think that the appearance of DALL-E 3 will play a big role in the multimodal to multimodal that OpenAI will soon present to users. Currently, only some functions are supported, but it is said that DALL-E 3 functions will be added soon... As a user, I have high expectations. Finally, I will finish with the video below.
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