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Dark pattern (deception design)

๐Ÿ˜‡ Some people have been asking me to cover dark patterns since Psychological Effects 101 went viral. There are growing voices saying that dark patterns should be regulated in 2023, and guidelines have been released. I think it will be helpful for design, marketing, planning, etc.
4 Principles for Preventing Dark Patterns
Helps users make their own decisions.
It doesn't intentionally make users give up.
Provides complete, unbiased information.
It doesn't put pressure on the user.
As mentioned by the Fair Trade Commission, the need for regulation is being discussed. Among these, the ones that are currently prohibited by law
Please pay special attention to the following 7 types: (False discounts, false recommendations, bait and switch sales, disguised advertising, trick questions, hidden information, price comparison interference)
Definition of dark pattern by the Fair Trade Commission
Inducing irrational or unexpected spending by consumers
Inducing consumer misunderstanding or mistakes by providing false information or composing screens or sentences that are completely different from normal expectations
Excessive time and effort is required to collect and analyze information needed for decision making.
Apply psychological pressure to consumers to induce them to do or not to do certain things.
Predatory (2 types of behavior)
โ‘  Hidden renewal : An act of automatically renewing a contract and automatically paying the amount without separate notice to the consumer when a service is converted from free to paid or the payment amount is increased.
(Example) An act of inducing a consumer to make a purchase by secretly putting a product that the consumer did not select into the shopping cart.
โ‘ก Sequential disclosure pricing : An act of enticing consumers by displaying only a portion of the final amount that the consumer must pay on the first screen without a justifiable reason and hiding or omitting the remaining amount from the display (limited scope)
Odo-type (7 types of behavior)
โ‘ข False discount : An act of enticing consumers to purchase products at a higher price by falsely displaying information about discounts.
โ‘ฃ False recommendation : Deleting unfavorable reviews or falsely writing favorable reviews
โ‘ค Bait sales : An act of enticing consumers by falsely displaying and advertising so-called โ€˜bait productsโ€™ that are not actually being sold as if they were being sold.
โ‘ฅ Disguised advertising : An act of providing advertisements to consumers by disguising them as if they were other content rather than advertisements.
โ‘ฆ Trick question : When presenting choices to consumers, an act of complicating or ambiguous the content or expression without just cause, even though it can be structured so that the consumer can accurately understand the content of the choices, and thus hinders rational decision-making by consumers, thereby causing mistakes or errors.
โ‘ง Incorrect hierarchy : When presenting optional items for decisions such as product purchase, membership registration, or contract cancellation, โ— there is a significant difference between the items in size, shape, color, etc., โ— and there is a concern that consumers may misunderstand that they are not equal items, or that they may misunderstand that a specific item must be selected as a prerequisite for purchase, membership registration, or contract cancellation (limited scope)
โ‘จ Pre-selection of specific options : During the process of purchasing a product, a business presents a selection item asking the consumer whether he or she will purchase other products as well, and induces the consumer to purchase by pre-selecting an item stating that he or she will purchase (subscribe) that product as well (limited scope)
Interference (3 types of behavior)
An act that interferes with consumers' freedom to cancel, terminate, or withdraw by making the cancellation, termination, or withdrawal process more complicated than the process of purchasing, signing a contract, or signing up for membership, or by restricting the method of doing so.
(Example) If the procedure for cancellation, termination, withdrawal, etc. is designed to be complicated and requires multiple steps compared to the purchase/subscription procedure.
โ‘ฉ Hidden information : An act of enticing consumers or transacting with consumers by using methods such as concealing, reducing, or omitting important information necessary for deciding whether to purchase a product.
(Example) If you advertise โ€œFree studio family photo shoot,โ€ but in reality, you only provide one not-so-good photo out of 50 photos taken for free, and you have to pay additional fees to view, print, or receive digital photo files of the other good photos.
โ‘ช Causing click fatigue : An act of hindering consumers from canceling purchases, canceling contracts, or withdrawing membership by designing procedures for cancellation, termination, or withdrawal more complicated than the procedures for purchasing, signing a contract, or signing up for membership without a legitimate reason, or by limiting the methods thereof (limited scope of hindering cancellation/withdrawal)
โ‘ซ Obstruction of price comparison : An act of enticing consumers or conducting business with consumers by displaying prices by applying different sizes, quantities, and bundle units among the same type of products without justifiable reason in order to make price comparison between products difficult, and concealing, omitting, or reducing the fact (obstruction of price comparison within a limited scope)
Pressure type (5 types of behavior)
โ‘ฌ Repeated interference : An act of pressuring consumers to perform a specific action by repeatedly requesting it through pop-ups, etc.
โ‘ญ Use of emotional language : An act of pressuring consumers to take certain actions through emotionally provoking language expressions.
โ‘ฎ Time-limited notification : An act of pressuring consumers to make decisions by indicating that purchases can be made at a discounted price only during a specific time or period.
โ‘ฏ Out of stock/high demand notification : An act of pressuring consumers to make decisions by indicating that there is no stock or that demand is high.
โ‘ฐ Notification of other consumers' activities : An act of pressuring consumers' decision-making by displaying the number of consumers who have recently viewed or purchased this product.