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GPT-4V system card information disclosure
What is a System Card?
A system card is a document or interface that summarizes information about the key characteristics, capabilities, limitations, and use cases of an artificial intelligence (AI) model or software.
GPT-4V (ision) is an extended version of GPT-4 that can analyze user-provided image inputs. It is considered an important front in artificial intelligence research and development, and can solve new tasks and provide new experiences to users through various interfaces and functions.
How about safety? The safety of GPT-4V is based on previous work on GPT-4, with more in-depth research on evaluation, preparation, and mitigation of image inputs.
Questions to consider
Integration of different modalities: Is the future of AI integrating different modalities, including image input?
Safety Issues: How do we ensure safety when handling image input?
User Experience: What new user experiences does GPT-4V provide?
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