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GPT-5 and the AI ​​Revolution: Mira Murati’s Journey and Our Future
“GPT-5 will deliver doctoral and college student level performance” This sentence is no longer the stuff of science fiction. A recent interview with Mira Murati, OpenAI's Chief Technology Officer (CTO), shows just how close we are to this exciting future.
In a recent interview with Dartmouth Institute of Technology, Mira Murati revealed some exciting information about GPT-5. Murati likened the jump from GPT-4 to GPT-5 to growing from high school to college . What's even more surprising is the prediction that within the next few years, GPT-5 will have 'PhD-level' intelligence for certain tasks. This revolutionary change is expected to be realized between late 2025 and early 2026 .
Practical Applications of AI: From Imagination to Reality
The development of GPT-5 heralds revolutionary change beyond simple technological evolution. The impact will be felt in a variety of areas:
Healthcare : GPT-5 will be able to perform complex diagnostics and suggest innovative treatments.
Legal field : By analyzing extensive case law, we will be able to suggest optimal legal strategies.
Scientific Research : Accelerate research by analyzing large amounts of data and coming up with new hypotheses.
If the current GPT-4 is limited to simple listings and superficial inferences, GPT-5 will be able to go beyond its boundaries and provide more in-depth analysis and creative solutions.
AI and the evolution of jobs: From past to future
Advances in AI are bringing major changes to the world of work. Historically, the core competencies and main occupations of occupations have constantly evolved with the times:
Agricultural society : Agriculture, where physical strength is important, is the main occupation.
Industrial Revolution : Factory workers become the mainstream, basic literacy is an important competency
Current digital revolution : Office work is the main occupation, knowledge-based work ability is key
Future jobs will become more personalized, and collaboration with AI will play an important role. As technology optimist Kevin Kelly predicted, personalized services and products will increase.
Mira Murati: A leader in the AI ​​revolution
Mira Murati's story illustrates the pace at which AI is advancing and our future. He is also someone I personally look forward to very much. Murati is often jokingly referred to as “the only bachelor in OpenAI technology,” but she is now a key figure in leading one of the world’s leading AI companies.
In rocketry from Dartmouth Institute of Technology.
In 2013, Tesla entered AI through autonomous driving development.
Joined OpenAI in 2018, currently serving as CTO
In 2012, when Mira Murati was fresh out of college and working at Zodiac Aerospace, could she have imagined that she would become an iconic figure in the AI ​​industry by 2024? Probably not.
This teaches us an important lesson. When we find something we love and devote ourselves to it, unexpected opportunities can present themselves. Advances in AI are amazing in themselves, but the opportunities they bring us are even more amazing.
Our Future: Unpredictable Opportunities
What role should we play in the AI ​​era? Rather than just watching technology evolve, we need to participate in it and learn how to take advantage of it. Like Mira Murati's journey, we can follow our passion and create new opportunities.
The emergence of GPT-5 is the beginning, not the end. Now it is our turn to decide how to use this technology and what kind of future we will create. What kind of future do you envision with AI?