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I found five letters from Datamorph.
You don't have to ask me how these letters came into my hands. I'll just say that they were found somewhere in the modern world, in a digital maze. Sent by a mysterious demon named Datamorph to his nephew Glitch, these letters teach humans not to judge whether something is "true" or "false", but to judge whether it is "scholarly" or "practical", "old" or "new", "conventional" or "daring". When we think of the devil, there are two errors that we humans tend to fall into. They are opposites in content but equally serious errors. One is not believing in the existence of the devil. The other is believing in the devil but paying too much unhealthy attention to it. The devil is very happy about these two errors and welcomes them regardless of whether they are materialists or charlatans. We encounter many technologies in our daily lives, such as artificial intelligence, social media, virtual reality, and blockchain. However, the technology reflected in these letters is quite different from what we knew. Following Datamorph’s clever advice and instructions, humans are falling into the trap of technology without even realizing it. You may feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar while reading this article. But perhaps it is because we have come face to face with a side of reality that we have not paid attention to. I hope you will read these letters with an open mind. And I hope you will discover a cross-section of ourselves and modern society in them. First letter Dear Glitch, It's nice to hear that your patient is addicted to social media, but let's not let our guard down. If they find real human connection or meaningful communication there, it could throw our plans into jeopardy. Distract them with endless social media timelines and enticing notifications. Make them waste time on trivial posts and meaningless comments instead of important tasks or deep thoughts. By doing so, their lives will be filled with superficiality and they will have no time for real purpose or self-reflection. In particular, actively use comparisons with others. Make them suffer from jealousy and inferiority complex by seeing other people's glamorous daily lives and successes. Induce them to judge their worth by the number of likes or followers. This will weaken their self-esteem and make them more easily swayed by us. Also, divert their attention to controversial issues or provocative content. If you let them burn out their energy in anger and anxiety, they will become less and less calm and rational. They will justify it to themselves, but in fact, they will fall deeper into our grasp. Remember, Glitch. Our goal is not to isolate them, but to make them feel lonely despite their many connections. If they forget the depth of real human relationships and become satisfied with the fantastical digital interactions, we will have succeeded. Finally, if they show any signs of looking beyond the screen, immediately throw them a new digital temptation - a new app or viral video to recapture their attention - and they will be under your influence again. Your wise and experienced uncle, Datamorph Second letter Dear Glitch, It makes this old uncle happy to hear that his patient is completely immersed in the world of social media algorithms. It's the perfect digital maze for our schemes. First, make them believe in the omnipotence of algorithms. Make them believe that algorithms will perfectly predict and fulfill their tastes, desires, and even future behavior. Then, they will gradually give up their own judgment and free will. In particular, get them addicted to the convenience of personalized content. Encourage them to stay in the filter bubble provided by the algorithm. Then, they will lose the opportunity to be exposed to different perspectives or new ideas, and their biases and prejudices will naturally deepen. Also, encourage moral outrage and debate. Sway their emotions with provocative content recommended by the algorithm, and encourage condemnation and dehumanization of others. If we can make them waste their energy in aggression and division, we can exert more powerful influence. But most importantly, we don’t want them to realize that all this is algorithmic. If they start to care about transparency or data privacy, our plans could be disrupted. So keep their eyes glued to flashy content and endless scrolling. If they show signs of even casually exploring the algorithmic underbelly, immediately throw them a new digital lure - a viral challenge or a popular meme - and they'll get lost in our digital maze again.
Who builds data centers?
At the foundation of all digital services, such as cloud services, streaming platforms, and online shopping malls that we use on a daily basis, is a data center. However, it is not well known how these huge and complex facilities are structured and who builds them. Although they are vaguely called cloud infrastructure or data centers, this industry is much broader than you might think and is created by combining various fields. Recently, while working on a project with AICA, I realized that there are fewer experts in building data centers in Korea than I thought, and that most IT workers do not know much. Since I am more of a consultant when it comes to building (physical) data centers, I would like to write a brief introduction. Actually, I have previously written about the importance of data centers and how much electricity they consume. However, that article only talked about the data center site and power consumption, so in this article, I would like to talk about how they are actually structured. The size and importance of the data center industry As of 2023, the global data center market size will be approximately $215 billion (approximately KRW 287.24 trillion) . This is a huge amount, accounting for about 1% of global capital. Most of this, $160 billion, will be spent on servers, networking, and storage equipment, and the remaining $55 billion will be invested in building data center infrastructure. The total cost of building a data center is estimated at approximately $38 million per megawatt (MW). Of this, IT equipment costs (servers, networking, storage) account for approximately $30 million per MW, infrastructure equipment costs approximately $4 million per MW, and engineering and construction costs also account for approximately $4 million per MW. Key Components of a Data Center The reason Elon Musk proudly posted his data center on Twitter, and Meta, Google, Microsoft, etc. boast about the size of their data centers, is not simply because they are expensive. Of course, the more expensive they are, the more money they cost to operate, but they are also the pinnacle of cutting-edge technology in hardware, Ethernet, and power grids. Building a data center also means that they have the technology to create and operate such a wide field. Let’s take a look at what a data center is made up of. 1. Server and storage Servers are the heart of data centers. By 2023, data centers will be built worldwide with an estimated 12 million servers purchased, spending $134 billion. Mid-priced servers cost around $7,000, while high-end servers can cost more than $100,000 each. Recent advances in AI are driving the need for more powerful servers. AI servers require 3-4 times more power than traditional CPUs, which has a major impact on data center design. Storage is the role of storing information. Various types of storage are used, from large-capacity hard disks to high-speed SSDs, and are appropriately placed according to the importance of the data and the frequency of access. 2. Network equipment Network equipment handles communication between servers within the data center as well as connections to external networks. Key equipment includes switches, routers, and load balancers. The market size of networking equipment is estimated at about $20 billion. AI workloads are particularly bandwidth-intensive, requiring hundreds of processors to be connected at gigabit throughput. This increases the demand for more powerful and efficient networking equipment. Cables that are thicker and heavier than you might think are used, not the routers or home internet cables we think of. 3. Power supply system Data centers consume a huge amount of electricity. In fact, there was a case in South Korea where the entire nation suffered inconvenience due to a data center problem. It was an incident where Kakao service was down due to a fire at the SK C&C Pangyo Data Center on October 15, 2022. The cause of the fire at the time was said to be a lithium-ion battery. Yes, that's the same one used in electric vehicle batteries. You might wonder why there's a battery in a data center, but it's called a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), and it's a facility like an auxiliary battery that supplies stable power when the power is cut off due to a power outage or natural disaster. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS): Protects servers from power outages. The UPS market size is estimated at $7-8 billion , which includes a significant amount of replacement revenue. Backup Generators: Provide power to the entire data center during a prolonged power outage. A typical diesel backup generator costs $300,000-$450,000 per MW. The generator market size is estimated at $4.5-5.5 billion (approximately KRW 7.348 trillion) . Switchgear: Equipment that controls, protects, and isolates electrical equipment, with an estimated market size of 4-5 billion dollars (6.68 trillion won) . Power Distribution Unit (PDU): It distributes power to server racks. The market size is estimated at USD 2.5-3.5 billion (KRW 4.676 trillion) . 4. Cooling System Efficiently removing heat generated by servers is a key to data center operation. For every megawatt of power supplied to a data center, approximately 285 tons of cooling is required.
Deepfake porn is a big problem in South Korea
In South Korea, there is a culture that considers being on the KBS 9o'clock News as an honor. In fact, the news is often a sign that something has happened, so whether it's good or bad, it's a hot topic. Especially for public broadcaters like KBS, there is a strong screening process for the presenters and reporter. Before the long-form broadcasting, the KBS 9o'clock News had such an impact that it was watched by the entire country. Anyway, I went to KBS News as an expert on vision detection and content distribution. I talked to people who create and distribute deepfake videos with K-Pop idols, and deepfake pornography targeting acquaintances, about how one-dimensional, specific products (e.g., Telegram) or sobriey behavior(e.g., take down photo in SNS) rarely work. it's become overwhelmingly easy to create, so it's not realistic to monitor and catch everything that's being mand, whether it's bening made alone in a disconnected emvironment or as a a service. Through awareness and education, we need to get the point across that it's not the porn is bad, but tha creating false information the belongs to someone else is wrong. Pornography is the most inflammatory part of the deepfake debate, and ther are plenty of other examples. Focusing on porn will only lead to weird regulations that are hard to understand, like Game shutdown Act. Deepfake refers to various aspects, such as creating AI cover songs or using certain people as caricatures or memes, which fall under the scope of this technology. In order to say what is right and what is wrong, we need to establish standards and systems for it. In this report and reporting stage, I talked about the production of deepfake adult content and detection of reproduction. In fact, datasets uploaded to Kaggle, Huggingface, Github, etc. and open source Facefusion or Deep Live Cam can be used immediately by just reading YouTube or the corresponding Readme file, and there is no difficulty in creating them if you have a certain level of GPU and CPU performance. Additionally, those that are available as services are even easier. I have actually explained several ways to detect deepfakes, but these are post-measures, so the key is to block distribution and reproduction of content. In order to resolve this, the Republic of Korea is receiving reports to the Korea Communications Commission, the National Police Agency, etc., but they are not very active in dealing with reports made by people other than the parties involved. This is also understandable, but if we block or restrict all reports without warning, it can be abused or can become indiscriminate regulation (ex. uploading deepfake porn to websites or bulletin boards that people dislike), and it will take a considerable amount of time to actually take action on this . In particular, if the person involved has to report, it is more difficult for celebrities or people with high social status. Even those who did not know about the existence of deepfake porn can see it and search for it, and there are many who try to use it . Therefore, at the time, I said that not only the method of creating content, but also an institutional and educational approach was needed, and in the process, I showed that production was possible without much difficulty on my personal Macbook Air (M2) and that it was possible on high-spec computers commonly found in PC rooms. I personally tried reporting through several channels, but even after 10 days of reporting, the site is still accessible, and deepfake porn videos continue to be downloaded and spread. Among them, seeing the "Deepfake Sexual Crime Video Response Specialist and Discussion" held like the one on the left, watching the live YouTube broadcast and follow-up press release, I wondered why they were talking about deepfake sexual crime videos, and why they were talking about textbook-like topics when they are not experts in video production, detection, or distribution. I don't know if they really want to solve it or if they just want to pretend to solve it. Will it be over by blocking Telegram or specific IPs? There are celebrities in the US, Japan, Europe, China, and India, so why are only Korean celebrities being targeted? Is it because there are so many data sets? That may be one reason, but the biggest reason is institutional weakness. There are no effective laws, and what exists is punishment through the existing Act on the Protection of Children and Youth from Sexual Abuse, punishment based on the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. , and lastly, punishment is possible under Article 307 of the Criminal Act for defamation ... All three have very strict requirements for establishment. First of all, the fact that the person involved has to report it is a hurdle, and the same goes for other things. As I pointed out in my previous article, AI-related bills and discussions are being passive and are only mentioned as a formality. The government, regardless of whether they are ruling or opposition, should rush into the science and technology sector, but here too, they are judging the ruling and opposition parties and subjectively applying the standards of right and wrong, so only the silent science and technology will be punished. Even the laws hastily enacted in response to this incident are extremely ambiguous. Punishing the perpetrators is an area of excessive regulation, so there is a lot of room for abuse, and strengthening platform responsibility is already being done by Kakao, Naver, etc., and they are saying that they will punish overseas platforms... It is broad and ineffective. The only thing that is effective is victim support, but this is just a fancy name, and they are just trying to create another system by reporting together. They should start by fixing and supplementing the problems with the existing system, but they are just in a hurry to create something new. As an aside, the reason why I was particularly active in this reporting and incident is that, even during the recent general elections, it was difficult to understand why the people who created the standards for operating laws related to deepfake videos by splitting the National Election Commission so much were belatedly paying attention to the actual victims and those who were in a situation where they could not deal with them. If you look it up, you will see that similar issues arose in 2019 and 2021, and several articles were written at that time, but even then, they did not properly resolve the issue and just swept it under the rug, saying things like they would create a reporting center and do all sorts of things. Anyone can buy a knife, and everyone knows the concepts of "sharp" and "stabbing." But when a knife incident, a murder or robbery using a knife occurs, no one criticizes the knife, sharpness, stabbing, etc. What we should be teaching is the moon, but everyone is interested in fingers, so it seems like a problem. I hope this incident doesn't lead to another case of locking the barn door after the horse has bolted.
"Prompt Engineering" So is it necessary?
This is a common topic. Should I learn "prompt engineering"? Should I take a class? It's an essential and important job in the era of artificial intelligence. I often, no, often hear this kind of talk. I always say. If you think prompt engineering is simply about asking good questions or getting results in a style or format, then you don't need to listen to it at all. It's just seen as a class on how to speak nicely or document well. "So what is real prompt engineering?" In previous posts and the good educational materials I always talk about, the definition of prompt engineering has been given countless times and the educational method has also been established to some extent. Prompt engineering is ultimately a technology that elicits the desired answer from a machine according to human intention. The key here is the premise that "machine", that is, a principle exists and can be predicted to some extent. Anthropic, the developers of Claude, say that if you are clear on these three things, you are already doing something called prompt engineering. Clear definition of success criteria for use cases Here are some ways to test against these criteria that we have already experienced: The first prompt to improve ← The first prompt can't be perfect! In fact, in addition to this, we have also heard research results through news and papers that prompt engineering can produce better results faster and more effectively than fine-tuning. In addition, OpenAI and Anthropic, frustrated with this, started to distribute their own prompt writing tips, examples, and training. OpenAI also releases System Prompt, and Google and Anthropic also release System Prompt (LLM's Instruction), continuously showing why they set this as the default setting and how they use it. In fact, if I was going to talk about this, I wouldn't have written this post. As I said before, I'm tired of saying what I've already said in previous posts, and people who are looking for it have probably already looked it up... I thought I should write a blog post after watching the video below. A podcast run by the actual developers of Anthropic! Explore Prompt Engineering: Expert Perspectives and Insights Prompt engineering is a discipline that emphasizes clear communication, iterative improvement, and contextual understanding to optimize interactions with models, thereby maximizing the performance of AI models. 🔍 Prompt engineer Zack Witten defines prompt engineering as the art of efficiently communicating with a model to achieve optimal performance , likening it to a process of trial and error . ⚙ Unlike traditional programming, prompt engineering has the characteristic of learning through repeated experiments and feedback , which can improve the model's response. 🗣Prompt Engineer Jack emphasized the importance of clear communication, the ability to iterate, and anticipating edge cases as the conditions for a great prompt engineer. 💡 Amanda, who is in charge of fine-tuning the language model, emphasized the importance of clear communication between humans and models, pointing out that effective prompts have a big impact on model performance . The Evolution and Future of Prompt Engineering 🤔 This podcast covers the complexities of AI inference, suggesting that anthropomorphic model interactions can lead to misunderstandings, but structured inference can improve model performance. 💡 It turns out that presenting clear examples and repeatedly inferring improves the performance of the model . 🔍 While there were opinions that good grammar and punctuation improve clarity , there was agreement that the model's ability to understand was more important . 🔑 The future of prompts is already expected to evolve into an interactive relationship where models elicit information from users and improve the prompts .
Look to the past 20 years ago for the future 20 years from now.
Recently, a close friend of mine asked me, "What should I do when life is bleak?" and I told him to read a history book. I recommend content that simply lists facts, not historical novels like Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Of course, history is a record of the victors, so there is bound to be bias, but there is wisdom that comes from it. If you don't find history books interesting, I also recommend reading articles written 20-30 years ago in modern times. The reason I'm suddenly opening up with this story is that I recently had the good fortune to have a video conference with people in the US to talk about what they're focusing on. I was personally very interested in it because they suggested a wider world than I thought in response to my light-hearted curiosity about the future. Naturally(?), the conversation started with artificial intelligence, but the conversation quickly cooled down. GPT-# has already been internally released and has been tested and proven to some extent, and I heard that the US AI Safety Institute under the US Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is currently conducting research, testing, and evaluation of AI models, and has already moved on to other agendas. (Some people may misunderstand, but this does not mean that the artificial intelligence bubble has burst.) As the use of AI becomes more commonplace and the bar for AI rises, it will naturally blend into most industries, and this will happen in an instant, just like the mobile era, Bay already seemed to have a firm idea. Also, I heard the expression A2A for the first time, and they were thinking about new directions in robots and real life, such as how AI to Action will affect the real world. And the topics of the conversation that followed were diverse, such as education, bio, and materials engineering, and at the time, after the video conference, I had a very strange feeling. It was as if I had traveled to the future 10 years later. We were thinking, "We've made a fire!", but over there, it seemed like they were roasting meat with a fire, building charcoal fields, and thinking about steam engines. In this sense of despair, I suddenly wondered what people would have thought 20 or 40 years ago. I wondered, not in terms of <2024 Trends>, but in terms of plans such as roadmaps and master plans, how far we would view the world we live in now. Then I found a book called <National Territory Plan for the Year 2000>, which was completed in 1979. This book contained a roadmap for how to develop the Republic of Korea in 20 years. There were frequent conflicts of interest and too many stakeholders, but it worked nonetheless at the time. There was also a strong military regime, but this plan had a very clear philosophy and direction. Also, this document, which was written in 1973, is still very informative even when read today. You can feel its own philosophy. At the time, there were no computers or anything like that, so I used typewriters and drew pictures to display them. It's fun to look at these pictures. Also, considering that it was written in the 1970s, it's amazing how insightful it was. The document interestingly includes stories about the disappearance of local areas due to overpopulation in the metropolitan area, how to build logistics and energy networks in Korea, and how to use limited resources (land) for future food. Furthermore, it is impressive that the document was considering moving the administration and capital to the vicinity of the current Sejong City. Furthermore, it is impressive that he warned that if many people gather in Seoul due to overcrowding in the metropolitan area, real estate prices will rise, and if people start pouring money into real estate, there will be no money to use for technological development or investment for the future, so this should not happen. Of course, we are now living in 2024, so we can make our own judgments about this, but when we think about that era, we cannot help but be surprised that he was predicting the future and making suggestions. You can't even solve problems that everyone knows about. Personally, this was a huge key point, and I realized that if you solve even one problem based on this, it will become the foundation for many things and come as an opportunity. Also, the Third Republic itself was a regime that started with a coup d'état, and since the regime was not properly transferred, there were cases where it was not implemented even if it was known. So, as I read the National Land Comprehensive Plan, I was impressed by the 4th National Road Comprehensive Plan. This document was published in December 1999 and contains the national land plan for the next 20 years. ( Link ) What can be seen here is that I feel like the visualizations and user-friendly visualizations were better in the 70s, or is it just me? Anyway, this comprehensive national land plan went through the turbulent modern history of the Republic of Korea and was about to be implemented during the Roh Moo-hyun administration in the 2000s, but it ended up being terminated in some of its previous forms for political and profit reasons. It would be fun to look up the social atmosphere, statements, and plans of that time in the Presidential Archives. So how are you planning for the next 20 years? In fact, the 5th Comprehensive National Land Plan was announced during President Moon Jae-in’s term. When you look at the National Comprehensive Land Plan, you can't help but feel that it's starting to go wrong somewhere. I personally think that it's not a problem with a particular administration, but rather because the values that they hold dear have changed continuously. In the case of the early national land development plans, they were completely focused on practicality, efficiency, and economic development, and up until the 4th plan, there were plans for things like relocating the capital, preventing overpopulation, and restructuring the real estate-based economy, but I think that various vested interests and interests clashed here and there, and a plan that was "good to see and not inconvenient for anyone (or at least inconvenient) came out. How do you think about 10 years from now, 20 years from now? In order to see the future, I looked at the roadmap of the Republic of Korea, where I live, from the 1970s to 2020, and I clearly learned one lesson. Even if you gather the world's smartest people and experts, you can come up with an ideal theory, but for this to actually be realized, someone's philosophy and people need to have an autonomous sense of responsibility (Accountability). Whether it's a startup, an individual's life, a family, or a country. This article has no political intentions and is based on information officially released by the government. After seeing the future and being shocked, I came back to see the past and it seems that it has become clearer what I should do in the present. Finally, I would like to end this article by writing about one story that I found. When we think about the past, regrets bind our feet. When I think about the future, worries cloud my eyes. Focus on the present and what you can do right now.
Artificial Intelligence UX Study Sharing Session 3/3
Due to the failure of portion control, this has become a three-part series. I am sorry. The last one is the fifth step, user retention and churn prevention. So let's get started. Step 5: Retention (Retain users and prevent churn) Personally, I think that stages 1 to 4 are changing in a very random way. It's not a matter of creativity, but because there are too many products and services being released. The biggest issue is how to show it with design elements and production. Conversely, the more similar functions this provides, the easier it is for users to leave. And what I feel while studying is that users have no attachment to the 'generated data'. They do not think that it is their own precious data. Easy come, Easy go applies here as well. From the user's perspective, since they have achieved great results with relatively little effort, they do not feel attached to this data or think it is precious. It was a long story, but in the end, if a fancier service or a cheaper service comes out, they immediately leave. How do AI services manage this? Let's take a look at them one by one. Specialization This is a strategy used in many places. Regardless of the model used, they talk about what they are good at. For example, character.ai focuses on creating characters in the form of personas and having them talk, and Tensor.art markets itself as providing a more specialized image generation service. Typeset.io, which targets researchers, is also a good example. One of the benefits of specialization is that it allows you to justify the cost. As I've said in other blog posts, considering that services like OpenAI and Google usually charge $20 per month, specialized services can be locked in even if they charge more than that when users are irreplaceable or the service is deeply involved in their work. The best example for me is LBOX, a legal service in Korea . LBOX is a legal AI service that provides services to lawyers, judicial officers, and law school students about court decisions and litigation information, but it charges more than $55 per month and does not cause user churn. Personalization Personalization is a topic that comes up a lot in the AI theme. In particular, services that have existing information, or in the education field, they are taking the approach of providing customized curricula. There is no case of fully implementing a method such as something optimized for you yet. The reason is simple. It is not easy to obtain permission to use the user's data, and it is too expensive to fine-tune it for a customized user. This is where Notion, when it first introduced AI, cleverly acquired Workspace permissions, and places like Salesforce and Google Workspace have recently introduced such services. Ultimately, data ownership is a pattern that controls how AI models remember and use users' data. This is an important feature that balances privacy and AI model improvement. Typically, this is located in the user or company settings, and is implemented as an on/off toggle with a brief description of how to improve the model. However, implementations vary. Most services default to 'on', but companies that take a user-centric approach, like Figma, default to 'off'. There are also differences between paid and free users. In many cases, opting out of data sharing is only available on premium plans. For enterprise accounts, these settings tend to be part of the admin settings, not individual users. In simple terms, if you provide your data, you can get something tailored to you, but if you don’t agree, it feels a little difficult. We've actually experienced this before, when iOS collected user information and behavioral data for things like app tracking and marketing and advertising exposure. It's easy to think of it as replacing seeing personalized ads with your own personal AI. Token Optimization Token layering is a technique that deliberately combines tokens when a user constructs a prompt for AI to finely adjust the AI's understanding and response direction. In simple terms, when AI processes text (speech, writing), it does not understand the entire sentence at once like a human, but breaks it down into small words, and then analyzes it more deeply through several stages. This process is called token layering. This allows you to build prompts like building Lego blocks, allowing you to more accurately convey your intent. Token transparency means that the tokens used by the AI to generate responses are made public to the user. This allows the user to understand the AI’s ‘thought process’ and write better prompts. There are many ways to leverage these technologies to enhance user experiences. For example, web-based interfaces like Adobe Firefly provide a palette where users can freely write prompts while easily adding tokens for style, structure, references, etc. This is an intuitive implementation of token layering. Services like Google AI Overview and Perplexity automatically generate follow-up questions after the initial prompt to collect additional tokens, thereby better understanding the user’s intent. A good example of token transparency is Midjourney’s /describe function, which exposes the tokens used to generate an image, allowing users to understand the AI’s interpretation and correct it if necessary. Audio generation services like Udio include relevant tokens in the metadata of the generated file, making it easier for users to search and generate similar audio. These features help users understand how AI works and achieve better results. They also stimulate users’ creativity and increase the efficiency of AI use. As a result, this can be an effective way to increase satisfaction with the service and encourage continued use. However, when implementing these features, it is important to consider the user’s learning curve and introduce complex features gradually. Provided in solution form
Artificial Intelligence UX Study Sharing Session 2/3
This is a continuation of my previous post. There is more than I thought. I thought I could finish it all at once by just listing what I organized... I'm already afraid that it will be seen as a boring study. Step 3: Using (Product/Service) In fact, there are various ways to use artificial intelligence. Currently, use cases and services are pouring out mainly for generative AI, so the way of using it is not much different. Let's take a look at some representative services. Summary: How to use AI to summarize content The summary pattern is a feature that is being used more effectively due to the advancement of generative AI. This pattern helps you quickly summarize long documents or conversations to focus on important information. It is useful for quickly grasping the key points in everyday tasks such as organizing meetings, reading documents, and preparing for conversations. The summary pattern is used in various ways, such as extracting key content from long documents, synthesizing multiple emails, and saving automated summaries. The main advantages of this method are time savings, automated workflow, and the possibility of deeper exploration. In fact, Liner in Korea is a good example of applying AI appropriately to pages that you usually underline or save. However, there is a risk of missing important information due to excessive simplification, so it is important to provide the original information source. In fact, it is the most used and commercialized function. Because of the nature of LLM, it is the easiest to implement and difficult to disappoint customers... Blend: How to combine prompts and new elements to drive creative results Remixing and Blending patterns are ways of using AI to combine multiple prompts or sources to create new results. This method allows users to fine-tune AI results and achieve unexpected creative results. The main advantage of this pattern is the creative use cases and the learning and creativity through play. Users can combine different sources to create unique results, and the prompts can be gradually developed to increase engagement and interest. However, adding too much information or using complex prompts can lead to confusing results, so it is important to help users improve their prompt writing skills. Starting with Midjourney , it is called by various names such as Remix and Blend, but in the end, it mixes or modifies existing data to create something completely new. Auto Fill: How to easily expand multiple inputs with one prompt Auto Fill is an AI feature that automatically fills in multiple data items with a single prompt. Sometimes it is implemented to work with just Context without prompts. Auto Fill is particularly effective in database or spreadsheet work. It is a feature that shows the agentic nature of AI well, allowing users to focus on more creative and strategic work by automating repetitive tasks. The desire for automatic filling actually goes back to the history of OA, with Excel, mail merge, etc. Recently, Adobe has shown that filling is not limited to simply working with tables, with inpainting and outpainting being freely available, making it a frequently used method. Inline Action: How to use it contextually with content available on the page Inline Actions are a feature that allows AI to interact with existing content on the page. Users can select specific text to edit or add new elements, allowing for natural interaction with AI and fine-grained control. The main advantage is greater user control and context-based interaction. Users can focus on only what they need and adjust AI output, and fine-tune results to fit specific contexts. However, there is also a potential risk that AI products have difficulty tracking connections to previous work. Inline Actions are particularly well-suited for text editing or references, where AI can modify and supplement existing work. This pattern allows AI to be used more flexibly and contextually, resulting in a more intuitive and precise user experience. I have yet to find a better use case for Notion AI . The idea of suggesting things naturally while writing is secretly difficult to implement. I thought of it while typing, and Copliot, which is used in VScode, is also good because it can be used naturally. Feels like auto-completion? Synthesis: A method of reorganizing complex information into a concise structure for use. I said Synthesis, but honestly, it's a fancy way of saying Paraphrasing. It's an AI function that reconstructs complex information from multiple sources into a concise and meaningful structure. It goes beyond simple summarization and systematically reorganizes data so that it can be presented to users as new content while maintaining the essence. The main advantages are ease of use and multimodality. It can be summarized and reorganized with simple operations without complex prompts, and the results can be provided in various formats. However, it is difficult to clearly convey the limitations of AI to the user, so there is a risk of making incorrect conclusions. However, it is good to use when organizing or formatting raw data. Share your progress This is a way to transparently show the AI's thinking process to the user. This solves the 'black box' problem of AI work and enables user understanding and intervention. It mainly appears in two forms, 'Show my work' and 'Check my work', the former showing the AI's response generation process, and the latter showing the area that AI will affect in advance.
Artificial Intelligence UX Study Sharing Session 1/3
I posted a blog post about thinking about UX for AI (mainly LLM) in the past, and I actually conducted a study with those who contacted me. The study was conducted a total of 5 times, and there were a total of 4 participants. I think it would be good to increase the scale a bit next time, but for now, I will talk about what I organized. I have many shortcomings, but when it comes to planning, I divide it into 5 major stages. Since it's a crappy philosophy, any objections are welcome, and if you have a good methodology, please let me know. When planning, I proceed considering these stages, just like the customer journey that many people do. Stage 1: Intent (understanding user intent and goals) → Stage 2: Wayfinding (user understanding of the product) → Stage 3: Using (using the product/service) → Stage 4: Feedback (user feedback) → Stage 5: Retention (user retention and churn prevention). I will try to organize each stage. Step 1: Intent (Understand user intent and goals) I have covered this before on my personal blog. If we think of it as replacing it with artificial intelligence, we can organize it as follows. Most of the services that are currently available can be classified into the categories below. Focus: You want a specific outcome and have a clear plan for getting there (e.g., editing to change the tone or format of your content). Navigation: A situation where you have a goal, but are not sure how to get there (e.g., you want to find the answer to a specific question, but do not know how to enter the information). Synthesizing: The act of deriving conclusions or insights from a known data set (e.g., finding trends or insights from multiple data sets). Browsing: A creative experimental mode where you try out different inputs and explore the results (e.g., try out different tokens in image generation to see what happens). Step 2: Wayfinding (User Product Understanding) When a user first encounters a product, they need to observe and understand how to use it. This process is more heuristic than you might think and moves reflexively, so there are cases where various psychological effects are used to read the user's psychology and hit them first or provide them with friendly guidance. Psychological effects frequently used in UX can be found in the document below. Guide method It is not easy to write a perfect prompt from the beginning when interacting with AI. The 'Follow-up prompting' technique is gaining attention as a solution to this. This method is that AI does not respond immediately to the user's initial request, but goes through an intermediate step of asking for additional information. Simplified user experience : Break complex prompts into multiple steps to reduce user burden. Build trust : Instill the perception that AI is trying to accurately understand the user’s intent. Empower users : Empower users to actively participate in the process by requesting additional information. Merit Improved accessibility : Easier to use for users with limited AI experience. Improve accuracy : Get more accurate results by checking details. Increased user satisfaction : Transparent processes increase trust and satisfaction. Application Cases Advanced techniques such as Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) can be used to further improve the user experience. These techniques allow users to provide direct references or parameters to the AI instead of simple text input, saving time and effort. This is the most common and easy-to-use method.
What if we were “brains in a vat”?
Are you sure that the world you are experiencing is real? Philosopher Hilary Putnam poses this question with her 'brain in a vat' thought experiment. Imagine that scientists detach your brain from your body, place it in a vat full of nutrients, and let you experience a virtual reality through a complex computer system. You will live believing that this virtual reality is real. The concept of 'creating all external stimuli into computers and injecting them into the brain, making the brain feel only virtual environments', which was said as a joke, is familiar to us through the Matrix and mass media, but it was only accepted as science fiction. But did you know that BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) actually exists? This thought experiment is not just a philosophical fantasy. Today, advances in brain-computer interface (BCI) technology are making this fantasy a reality. Of course, we don’t have to separate our brains from our bodies. Instead, BCI technology directly connects our brains to computers, allowing us to interact with the digital world using only our thoughts. Imagine, what if you could control your smartphone, control home appliances, and even regain movement in your paralyzed body with just your thoughts? This is no longer a scene from a science fiction movie. BCI technology is making this imagination a reality. This is a topic we've briefly touched on before, but Nolan Arbor, a former quadriplegic who underwent this surgery, is now able to enjoy Civilization 6 on his computer and do a variety of tasks through messaging and computers. This weekend, I saw an 8-hour long episode on Lex Friedman's podcast, which I've been following, and when I checked it out, it turned out to be a podcast that filled up 8 hours like a rice bowl with appearances from the CEOs of euralink, SpaceX, Tesla, xAI, Elon Musk, the CTO of X, Dongjin Seo, the COO of Neuralink, and Nolan Arbor, an engineer and doctor at Neuralink. BCI: Direct communication between brain and machine BCI is a revolutionary technology that creates a direct communication path between the human brain and external devices. The core of this technology is to directly read and interpret the brain's neural signals and control computers or other electronic devices through them. BCI technology, born from the convergence of neuroscience and computer engineering, is breaking down the barriers between humans and machines and fundamentally changing the way we interact with the world. The BCI Journey: From Monkey Experiments to Human Clinical Trials The history of BCI technology dates back to the 1960s. It started with experiments that recorded brain activity in monkeys and controlled simple actions based on it. Over the decades of research and development, signal interpretation technology has become more sophisticated and its accuracy has improved. BCI technology is currently receiving a lot of attention in the medical field. It offers new hope to patients who have lost physical functions due to spinal cord injury or neurological diseases. By restoring movement of paralyzed limbs or allowing them to control computers with just their thoughts, BCI is bringing about a revolutionary change in their lives. One of the companies at the forefront of BCI technology is Neuralink, co-founded by Elon Musk. Neuralink has developed a brain implant with 1,024 tiny electrodes that can precisely record and analyze neural activity in the brain, allowing users to control external devices with just their thoughts. In January 2024, Neuralink began its first human clinical trial. The first participant was Nolan Arbor, a quadriplegic, who received the implant. Amazingly, Nolan was able to control a computer cursor with his mind, and even set a world record in a game called Web Grid. This was a significant case that showed the real-world applicability of BCI technology, and it gave hope to many. BCI technology is still in its early stages, but its potential is limitless. It has many applications in medicine and everyday life. In medicine, it could revolutionize the treatment of neurological diseases and the recovery of motor functions. It could open new avenues for treating diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and help paralyzed patients walk or move their hands again. Even in everyday life, BCI technology can bring about big changes. It can enhance cognitive abilities, allowing us to learn faster and solve complex problems more effectively. It can also be combined with virtual reality (VR) to provide more realistic gaming and educational environments that can be controlled by thought alone. Challenges of BCI Technology There are still several important challenges remaining before BCI technology can fully become part of our everyday lives. Signal stability: It is important to obtain continuous and stable neural signals. Long-term safety: Thorough studies are needed on the biocompatibility and immune responses of brain implants. Brain Complexity: We need to better understand the complex mechanisms of the human brain. Solving these challenges requires ongoing research and development, as well as collaboration among experts from various fields. This is an area where I think a better approach is needed rather than looking at it too negatively. BCI technology has the potential to fundamentally change human life and society beyond simple technological innovation. Accordingly, we need to think about some important questions.
Basic income was tested on 3,000 people for three years.
“If you just give people money, they won’t work.” This is one of the most common concerns about basic income. But a recent large-scale basic income experiment in the United States is challenging this common belief. The three-year experiment in Texas and Illinois showed how basic income actually affects people’s lives. The results are complex and interesting, and they are unexpected. This experiment was conducted by the nonprofit research organization OpenResearch. This experiment was designed to study the impact of basic income on people's lives. Sam Altman is one of the main funders of this experiment. The research was supported by a $14 million donation from Sam Altman, the head of OpenAI, as well as the OpenAI Corporation and the Basic Income Fund, which was created by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey. The essence of the experiment: what was done and how was it done? Period : 3 years from November 2020 to October 2023 Subjects : 3,000 Americans aged 21-40 (middle and low income) Method : $1,000 per month paid to 1,000 experimental group members 2,000 control group members were paid $50 per month Results that exceeded expectations 1. Work has decreased, but the reasons are interesting. Working hours have decreased by an average of 1.3 hours per week, and employment rates have also fallen slightly. But this is not simply due to 'laziness'. This is especially true for parents with children and young people under 30, who have invested their reduced working hours in education and childcare. 2. Health Improvement? Complex Results Item Growth rate Dental care 10% increase Specialist care 6% increase Consultation with your primary care physician 8% increase Initially, stress was significantly reduced, but over time, the effect disappeared. In fact, in the third year, the stress level of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group, showing a reversal phenomenon. On the other hand, dental and specialist visits increased.
Clash of Values Across the Atlantic: European and American Approaches to ESG and DEI
Europe and the United States have long been seen as the two pillars of Western democracy. But the two continents’ approaches to ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) policies have recently become sharply contrasted. This goes beyond simple policy differences to show fundamental differences in corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Europe is actively pursuing ESG and DEI policies. The European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) are representative examples of such efforts. These regulations require companies to meet strict ESG standards, and through this, they aim to accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy. In terms of DEI, European companies are still showing strong will, which is often supported by legal requirements. On the other hand, the situation in the United States is complicated. American companies that were once considered leaders in ESG and DEI have recently shown retreat. In particular, the reduction of DEI programs is noticeable. Tech companies such as Google and Meta have laid off DEI-related staff and drastically cut related budgets. This is due to various factors such as economic pressure, political backlash, and legal challenges. There is also political controversy about ESG, with some states pushing anti-ESG bills. These differences reflect the cultural and political contexts of the two continents. Europe has traditionally placed a high value on social solidarity and environmental protection, while the United States tends to value individual freedom and market principles. These fundamental differences in values are manifesting in differences in approaches to ESG and DEI policies. But despite these differences, both sides face challenges. There are concerns that Europe’s strong regulations could stifle corporate innovation, while America’s retreat is criticized for undermining corporate sustainability and social responsibility in the long term. What is noteworthy is that these differences present new challenges for global companies. Companies operating on both sides of the Atlantic now have to simultaneously meet two different regulatory environments and societal expectations, further increasing the complexity of global corporate strategy. Ultimately, the differences between the European and American approaches to ESG and DEI go beyond simple policy differences. They reflect deeper philosophical debates about the role of business, social responsibility, and sustainable development. It will be interesting to see which of these two approaches is more effective and sustainable in the future, and what impact this difference will have on the global economy. We may be witnessing the formation of a new economic order created by a clash of values. The differences in European and American approaches to ESG and DEI can be seen as different answers to one of the biggest questions facing 21st century capitalism. That question is: “What is the ultimate responsibility of corporations?” In the process of finding the answer to this question, we may find a path to a better future.
On Artificial Intelligence, the Skills Gap and the Challenges of Sustainability
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has made great strides and is leading innovation in various industries. However, such AI research and development is increasingly becoming the exclusive domain of big tech companies. AI research requires enormous capital, which has led to a situation where only large companies with abundant capital can conduct AI research sustainably. In this article, we will examine the cost structure of AI research and the background of big tech companies dominating this field, and discuss the problems resulting from this and the future direction. First, let’s look at the financials of OpenAI and Anthropic to understand why only big tech companies can sustain AI research. OpenAI has grown rapidly, reaching $340 million in annual recurring revenue (ARR) as of May 2024. However, despite this impressive revenue growth, OpenAI is expected to incur an operating loss of up to $5 billion in 2024. This is because ChatGPT alone costs about $700,000 per day, and AI training and staffing costs are also significant. OpenAI has received about $13 billion in investment from Microsoft, but these huge costs are difficult to sustain without continued financial support. The same goes for Anthropic. Anthropic is expected to reach $3.16 billion in ARR by the end of 2024, but its projected loss cost in 2024 is expected to exceed $2.7 billion. In particular, computing costs alone are expected to reach $2.5 billion, indicating a huge amount of capital required to develop and operate AI models. Anthropic has raised $7.6 billion and is valued at $18.4 billion by 2024, but it still needs a lot of investment to operate sustainably. In this way, AI research requires massive capital in many aspects, such as computing resources, data, and expert personnel. For example, in "Calculating the Cost of a Google Deepmind Paper," it was analyzed that the total computational cost of reproducing the experiment of the Google Deepmind paper "Scaling Exponents Across Parameterizations and Optimizers" is approximately $12.9 million (approximately 16.9 billion won) . This is due to the extensive experimental execution, such as more than 10,000 training runs for hyperparameter optimization. These experiments are mainly performed using high-performance computing resources such as TPUs, which further increases the cost. This high cost structure makes it so that only companies with abundant capital can participate in AI research. This raises the entry barrier for AI research and creates an environment that makes it difficult for small and medium-sized companies or startups to enter the AI market. As can be seen in the cases of OpenAI and Anthropic, big tech companies continue to conduct AI research with enormous capital. This naturally results in companies with insufficient capital being excluded from AI research. The high cost of AI research and the massive operating losses also pose major challenges to sustainability. Both OpenAI and Anthropic are reporting huge losses despite rapid revenue growth, largely due to the high infrastructure costs required to train and operate AI models. Both companies rely on continuous investment to sustain operations, resulting in complex profit sharing structures that delay long-term profitability. The AI market is also highly competitive, putting increasing pressure on companies to manage costs while innovating. There are also concerns that current pricing models may not be sufficient to cover operating costs. In my previous article about Nvidia, I said that we should continue to buy Nvidia because there is no substitute for building this kind of infrastructure. When I looked at the blog post at that time, Nvidia was at $238. That was before the liquidation. In the future, big techs announced in their earnings that they will spend more money on CapEx. So what choice should our country make? I'll keep my remarks short.
Donation of your choice instead of donation
YouTube, they say it's the modern radio. I used to just turn it on and listen, or look it up when I was curious. But sometimes there are creators who make me think. People who show me a new world or make me think deeply. Of course, I subscribe to these people and like them. I used to support them through Super Chat or membership, but when I saw the commission that Google takes, I wondered if that was really helping the creators. So now I support them separately. This time, I made a special decision. I, who used to be a passive consumer, decided to actively support creators. I sent 1 million won to 8 creators with the hope that they would continue to create something. If there was a public account or sponsor, I sent the money right away. If there wasn't, I asked them by email and proceeded. I chose individual creators who weren't affiliated with a company. It was a big decision for me to change the donations I had made for 3 years to support individual creators. Originally, I donated to places like Love Fruit, World Vision, and the Red Cross. But I always wondered. Did it really help? Did it improve someone's life? No matter what I did with the money, it was hard to know if it actually helped. There was data for large-scale businesses, but I wanted to know "who" and "how" my money helped, and I couldn't get a satisfactory answer even when I asked. For example, when donating to a local area, the Fruit of Love usually handles the execution. You can choose a specific area. If you say you want to use it for education, you send the money there. However, it is virtually impossible to say, “Please buy school supplies with my money.” The same goes for donations to facilities or associations. Unless you donate directly in the form of goods, you have no choice but to leave it to them. I didn't like this at all, so I looked for various ways, but I couldn't find a good one. The most obvious one was a program that World Vision did. The recipient of the donation chose the donor, wrote a letter, sent a photo, and so on. But I stopped after a few months. I personally didn't like using images of children from poor countries. And when I thought about it, I wondered what those children really got, and I wondered if helping children in our country was more important... In the end, the donations didn't continue. In some ways, I think that if you donate more than 10 million won a year, you get tax benefits, so maybe that's why you do it. Huh? Am I donating to become morally superior? I also think that way... Then I think that in that case, it would be better to donate to the creator. There are no tax benefits, but it's still the same money that's being spent anyway. This is also a kind of experiment. What kind of meaning do the people I support mean to me? I also hope that they will provide better content or voices that are more needed. I think that would be more meaningful than donating to a child in another country whose name I don't even know, so I am leaving this record.
We're all charged up with ideas, but our power grid is running on empty.
Due to the recent rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and the expansion of data centers by big tech companies, the demand for electricity is rapidly increasing. This was mentioned briefly when we talked about data centers before, but in reality, a significant amount of electricity is needed to train and operate artificial intelligence (AI). As AI technology advances, power consumption is expected to increase exponentially. According to a report by Schneider Electric, the total power consumption related to AI workloads is expected to reach approximately 4.3 gigawatts (GW) by 2024. This is equivalent to the total power consumption of Denmark. As AI models grow in size and complexity, the power consumption of hardware also increases. For example, NVIDIA’s latest AI chip H100 has a maximum power consumption (TDP) of 700W. This represents the maximum power that the chip can consume when operating at full performance. Actual power consumption will vary depending on the workload and may be lower on average. The next-generation model, B100, is expected to have a maximum power consumption of 1000W. These figures show that the power demand for AI computation is continuously increasing. In addition to AI, the expansion of data centers and the expansion of electric vehicles are also expected to have a significant impact on the increase in electricity demand. These factors can work together to put additional burden on the power system. Data centers consume a lot of electricity to train AI models and provide services, and the expansion of electric vehicles adds new loads to homes and public power grids. To cope with this situation, we need to establish and implement a long-term plan to expand the power infrastructure. A multifaceted approach is likely to be needed, including increasing power generation capacity, improving transmission and distribution networks, and introducing smart grids. The government and companies should work together to introduce efficient energy management systems and increase the proportion of renewable energy. The development of AI technology and the increase in power demand are inevitable trends. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between technological innovation and power infrastructure expansion. It is time to seek sustainable development methods through cooperation between various stakeholders such as government, companies, and research institutes. As electric vehicles and AI become widespread, the demand for electricity in data centers will continue to increase. To handle this, a larger and more stable power supply network is needed. Is that why? Recently, the so-called Magnificent 7, Microsoft (MS), Apple, Nvidia, Google, Amazon, Meta, and Tesla, are all investing in industries such as power generation and sustainable energy. In the future, this energy policy will be very important to them in the US presidential election. Green energy is sustainable but takes a long time, and fossil fuel/nuclear energy destroys the environment but provides electricity for sure. Where will those who need technological advancement and explosive growth right now bet?
Is AI the beginning of the democratization of creativity?
I recently read an interview with Lee Sedol, 9th Dan, in the New York Times. After the historic match with AlphaGo, he still teaches Go and runs a Go institute. Interestingly, his story about his children entering college and worrying about what path to take in the AI era caught my attention. This is a clear example of how deeply AI is intertwined with our daily lives and future. In this context, the five stages of AI development proposed by OpenAI deserve our attention. This model clearly shows the direction of AI development and helps us predict the future we will face. Currently, we are between stage 1 (conversational AI) and stage 2 (human-level problem-solving AI), but the speed of development is accelerating exponentially. If you compare AI from five years ago to AI today, you will realize how big the gap is. Step Explanation Use Cases Level 1 Chatbots and AI using conversational language ChatGPT, chatBot Level 2 Reasoning AI capable of solving human-level problems Devin, GPTs Action, etc. Level 3 Agent system that can take action Humanoid, robot Level 4 Innovative AI that can help inventions Superintelligence (ASI) Level 5 AI that can perform the organization's work ??? Lee Sedol’s experience was a precursor to this rapid change. In his match against AlphaGo in 2016, he had already encountered an AI that was close to level 3 (AI that can take action – for him). His recent warning, “I encountered the AI problem early, but it will happen to others. It may not be a happy ending,” urges us to think seriously about the changes that the advancement of AI will bring.
Who now produces the most green energy?
Recently, voices for the transition to eco-friendly energy have been growing louder around the world. In particular, Western countries such as the US and the EU are competing to announce eco-friendly policies to respond to climate change. However, if we look at their actual actions, something seems a bit strange. Ironically, China, which was treated as a “villain,” is showing a lead in building renewable energy infrastructure. However, it is difficult to simply conclude that “the West is bad and China is good.” It seems necessary to carefully examine the actions of all parties once again. First, let’s look at the current situation objectively. According to a recent report from the Global Energy Monitor (GEM), China is building almost twice as much wind and solar power as the rest of the world combined, a whopping 339 GW. In contrast, the United States is building 40 GW. On the other hand, the US and EU countries are working hard to increase shale gas, oil, and natural gas production. In particular, the US has become the world's largest oil producer through the shale revolution, and Europe has been significantly increasing its imports of LNG from the US since the conflict with Russia. Looking at this situation alone, it is easy to conclude that 'the West talks and China acts'. But the reality is not that simple. Each party has its own reasons and problems for their actions. First, let's look at the position of Western countries: Energy security issues: The importance of energy security has been highlighted since the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has resulted in increased dependence on fossil fuels in the short term. Economic Interests: The shale industry is a major contributor to the U.S. economy. It is difficult to give up on it because it creates jobs and increases tax revenues. Technological limitations: Building large-scale energy storage facilities to address the intermittency of renewable energy is expensive and time-consuming. Political pressure: The fossil fuel industry lobby remains powerful. It exerts influence over politicians and seeks to block rapid energy transition policies. But these reasons do not justify the actions of Western countries. The gap between their stated commitment to climate change and their actual actions is clearly problematic. Now let's look at the situation in China: Building massive renewable energy infrastructure: China is actually building huge renewable energy facilities, which is definitely a positive change. Securing industrial competitiveness: China sees renewable energy as a future growth engine. This is both an environmental policy and an industrial policy. The urgency of environmental issues: China’s severe air pollution problem forces it to be more proactive in its transition to renewable energy. Centralized decision-making: China’s political system allows for rapid implementation of large-scale policies. This can sometimes be inefficient, but it can be effective for large-scale infrastructure development. But China’s actions aren’t perfect either. It’s still building coal-fired power plants and has the world’s highest carbon emissions. And the process of building renewable energy infrastructure has raised concerns about environmental destruction and human rights. Ultimately, the US, EU and China all have their own problems. Western countries need to be more consistent in their words and actions, while China needs to improve its overall environmental policy along with expanding renewable energy. As I watch this situation, several questions come to mind: Which country can truly take the lead in tackling climate change? How can we achieve both renewable energy transition and economic growth simultaneously? How can the international community work together to solve this problem?
Jim Keller says Nvidia will become 'the IBM of the AI ​​era'
A while ago, I was talking with @최준원 about promising companies of the future, and I said that I don't know what will come out in the future, but if IBM and Oracle don't properly replace themselves, it will be difficult in the future. Then, in the RUMOA group chat, while talking about Chip, I became interested in Tenstorrent, and I saw an article by Jim Keller, a former engineer at Apple and Tesla, comparing Nvidia's AI chip to IBM's dominance in the PC market in the 1980s. Jim Keller is a legendary engineer in the semiconductor industry. His career is incredibly diverse and influential. At AMD, he designed the K7 and K8 architectures and led the company’s revival. At Apple, he participated in the development of the A4 and A5 processors, contributing to the performance innovation of the iPhone and iPad. At Tesla, he led the development of chips for autonomous driving, and he also played a key role at Intel. This week on the DemystifySci podcast, Jim Keller, a former chief engineer at Apple and Tesla, spoke about Nvidia. Keller, who now heads his own AI chip startup, emphasized that Nvidia currently sells “the best processor in terms of functionality,” and that big tech companies are competing to secure Nvidia chips. Jim Keller, who has worked at AMD, Apple, and Tesla and is now the CEO of an AI chip startup that competes with Nvidia, says Nvidia is “becoming the IBM of the AI era.” Speaking on Sunday’s episode of the DemystifySci podcast, Keller mentioned Nvidia’s AI chips, noting that companies like Microsoft and Google are using Nvidia’s technology to power their own innovations. “All the big tech companies are in an arms race, and they’re all reaching out to Nvidia,” Keller said. Keller, who leads Tenstorrent, a $2 billion AI chip startup backed by Samsung and Hyundai, said Nvidia currently has “the best processor in terms of functionality.” He added, “Nvidia is slowly becoming the IBM of AI. We’ll see how it goes. I have an opinion on this because I run an AI technology company myself.” Nvidia is currently the leader in AI chips, with more than 80% market share. Nvidia claims to have been investing in AI and machine learning development since 2006, giving it a first-mover advantage in AI computing. IBM can also be seen as a pioneer in the PC market. IBM did not invent the PC, but its 1981 personal desktop brought computing to a wider audience and earned $1 billion in revenue in its first year. According to IEEE Spectrum, IBM “set the technology standard” with its first PC. Keller has previously commented on the cost of AI chips from Nvidia and ChatGPT maker OpenAI (which currently uses Nvidia chips). In April, he claimed that Nvidia had been able to reduce its R&D costs, and in February, he said that it could build AI processors for every workload and AI enterprise at one-eighth the cost proposed by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. In March, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said that its next-generation AI chips would cost more than $30,000. Given this situation, we can see that Nvidia's dominance in the AI chip market is strengthening. However, with competitors such as Jim Keller continuing to challenge, it is worth paying attention to how the market structure will change in the future. Time will tell whether Nvidia will truly become the 'IBM of the AI era' or whether new innovative companies will reorganize the market.
Why Apple declined the offer to attend OpenAI's board of directors
Hedging Antitrust Risks: Apple's Strategic Choices Apple’s decision can be seen as a response to increased scrutiny from the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and European Union (EU) competition authorities. With regulators’ recent interest in big tech companies’ investments in AI startups growing, Apple appears to be trying to preemptively block the legal risks that could come with joining the OpenAI board. This can be understood in a similar context to Microsoft (MS)’s recent actions. MS has also made large-scale investments in OpenAI, but has shown itself to refrain from direct participation in the governance structure [6]. This approach is interpreted as a strategy to strengthen technological cooperation while minimizing the possibility of violating antitrust laws. A new model of strategic cooperation Instead of board participation, Apple is looking for other forms of cooperation models. Through regular strategic meetings with OpenAI, Apple plans to continue cooperation, such as integrating ChatGPT technology into its devices. This is a way to maintain technical cooperation without direct participation in the governance structure, and it is a glimpse of Apple’s struggle to avoid the net of antitrust regulations while not falling behind in the AI technology race. Changes in the global AI ecosystem Apple’s decision is not just a strategic choice for one company, but also an important signal of change in the global AI ecosystem. As the relationship between big tech companies and AI startups becomes more complex and regulatory scrutiny intensifies, companies face the challenge of finding a new balance between innovation and regulatory compliance. Points to consider Apple's refusal to attend OpenAI's board of directors may seem like a simple corporate decision on the surface, but behind it lies a complex background of strategic responses to global antitrust regulations and the search for new models for AI technology cooperation. This will be an important case that can be used to gauge the direction in which big tech companies' AI strategies will unfold in the future. How to strike a balance between the development of AI technology and regulation will remain a major challenge for companies and policymakers going forward.
AI’s $600B Question: Balancing Capital and People
The $600B problem in the AI industry: Is this really just a matter of investment scale? Or is there a bigger picture we are missing? It is time to take a closer look at why the AI market is considered a ‘bubble’ despite this astronomical amount of money being invested . The Paradox of Capital: High Barriers to Entry and an Uncertain Future The astronomical cost trap Nvidia’s latest B100 chip boasts 2.5x the performance of its predecessor, the H100, but it also comes with a cost increase. The total cost of ownership (TCO) for AI infrastructure is twice the cost of purchasing the hardware. This includes hidden costs such as energy consumption, cooling systems, building leases, and network infrastructure. This cost structure creates an almost insurmountable barrier to entry for small and medium-sized enterprises and startups , which in turn can hinder diversity and innovation in the AI ecosystem. Imbalance between investment and return Expectations for the potential value of AI technology are high, but it is difficult to quantify it precisely at this point. While there are success stories such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT , the majority of AI projects have yet to prove profitable. This uncertainty is leading investors to take a cautious approach. Balancing the pressure to generate short-term profits with the need for long-term technological innovation is becoming a major challenge for companies. Technological Challenges: Poverty of Ideas and Lack of Talent Absence of innovation One of the biggest problems in the current AI market is the flood of similar ideas . Most companies are focusing on similar applications such as chatbots, image generation, and text summarization based on foundation models. This can limit the true potential of AI technology and accelerate market saturation. Serious talent shortage Compared to the rapid development of AI technology, there is a serious shortage of professionals who can effectively handle it. There is a severe shortage of professionals worldwide who can optimize and operate high-performance AI chips and design, train, and deploy complex AI models . This is not just a quantitative issue, but also a qualitative one. As AI technology rapidly advances, the need for experts who can understand and apply the latest technology is increasing. Limitations of the education system The current education system is not keeping up with the rapid pace of development in the AI field. University curricula often do not match the needs of the actual industry, and specialized courses that teach practical skills required to operate AI infrastructure are rare . Retraining programs within companies are also insufficient. Many companies recognize the importance of AI technology, but few provide systematic AI training programs for existing employees. Solution: Strategies for a Sustainable AI Ecosystem 1. Establish a long-term investment strategy: When evaluating the ROI of AI projects, companies should consider a variety of factors beyond simple financial indicators, such as technological innovation, market share expansion, and improved customer experience . Investors should also apply more comprehensive criteria when evaluating the performance of AI companies. 2. Establish a public-private cooperation model: The government can reduce the initial investment burden of AI companies through tax benefits, subsidies, and R&D support. At the same time, it should provide opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises and startups to utilize high-performance AI infrastructure by establishing national AI research institutes or data centers . 3. Innovation in educational programs: Universities and educational institutions should develop curricula that reflect the rapid changes in the AI field. In particular, they should open specialized courses that focus on skills required in real industrial settings, such as AI infrastructure operation, large-scale AI model training, and AI system optimization . 4. Strengthen internal retraining and training: Companies should develop and implement their own AI training programs. There are various methods available, such as inviting external experts to workshops, subscribing to online learning platforms, and providing opportunities to participate in AI projects.
Alternative SNS to Twitter and Facebook chosen by American teenagers
The social media landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. As users grow increasingly tired of the content-based experiences offered by existing large platforms, new forms of social networking are emerging. In particular, platforms that value authentic human relationships and individual tastes are gaining attention. Among them, a particularly notable service is 'Noplace'. It is rapidly emerging alongside competition from Wizz, Yubo, purp, and LMK. Among the friends I've covered before, there was a service called Noplace, which recently successfully completed an investment round and achieved the number one spot in downloads in the social media category after a recent update. Noplace: A space that values individuality and connection Noplace is a social media platform that provides a space for users to freely express their daily lives and interests. The platform was founded by Tiffany Zhong and was developed with inspiration from Myspace and early Facebook. It aims to encourage genuine social interaction between users through personalized profile pages and real-time updates. Key Features Profile Customization : Noplace allows users to freely change their profile colors to express themselves. This is more than just a simple setting change; it is an important element that reveals each user's individuality. Share What You Do : Users can share a variety of activities on their profiles, including their relationship status, the music they’re listening to, the movies they’re watching, and the books they’re reading. This allows for deeper connections with friends. Tags and Interests : Noplace lets users mark their interests or topics with 'stars' tags. This helps users easily discover new people with common interests. Top 10 Friends : Reminiscent of MySpace's 'Top 8', the 'Top 10 Friends' section allows users to further strengthen their connections with their closest friends. Background and goals of establishment Tiffany Chung, founder of Noplace, felt that the nature of the Internet and social media had degenerated from social to media. “Everything is too homogenous,” she said, noting that current social media platforms no longer provide true social networking. To address this problem, she set out to help users have a truly social experience once again through Noplace. User Experience Noplace offers users the opportunity to follow their friends while also finding others with similar interests. You can share what you are currently doing on your personal profile and strengthen your communication with the community. Noplace's feed is divided into friend feeds and global feeds, and all profiles remain public. For users under the age of 18, a more stringent feed is provided to ensure safety. Technical features and growth potential Noplace uses AI technology to improve the user experience. Instead of algorithms, it uses AI technology to provide summary and recommendation functions, and its global feed allows users from all over the world to communicate in one feed. Founder Tiffany Chung likens it to “transcribing everyone’s brains onto paper.” Noplace is a new social media platform that offers a variety of features and a true social experience that goes beyond existing limitations. This new platform, which is mainly led by Generation Z, is raising expectations about how it will change the future of social media. It is worth paying attention to the innovative social experience that Noplace will provide in the future.
Moonshot AI unveils LLM service platform used by kimi
The representative AI model development companies in China are Jifu, Moonshot, Minimax, and Baichuan. Among them, Moonshot has proven its performance and power with a corporate value of over 33 trillion. Moonshot AI has never disclosed its own language model or the number of parameters. However, it has only released a service called Kimi. It is a large service that allows LLM-based chatting and searching, such as chatGPT. This is a company that I personally often use and pay attention to, and recently, they released an interesting paper. In the paper, they released a platform that supports the LLM service called Mooncake. Of course, the service that is actually being supported live is kimi, and they are now taking the strategy of selling it in a B2B form. Mooncake's core is a distributed architecture centered around KVCache. This architecture separates the pre-fill and decode stages, and implements a distributed cache using CPU, DRAM, and SSD resources. In particular, the pre-fill node pool has been optimized to efficiently handle long contexts. Nodes are partitioned to enable parallel processing, and VRAM usage is minimized through layer-by-layer pre-fill techniques. Another strength of Mooncake is its KVCache-centric scheduling algorithm, which maximizes cache reuse and optimizes batch size to increase FLOP utilization of the model. It also balances cache hit rate and instance load to improve the efficiency of the entire system. Mooncake's response strategy to overload situations is also noteworthy. It introduces a prediction-based early rejection policy and minimizes resource waste through system-level load prediction. These strategies greatly contribute to maintaining the stability of the system even in situations of rapid load increases. Experimental results showed that Mooncake increased throughput by up to 525% compared to existing methods, and could handle 75% more requests in real workloads. Its superiority was also proven in various datasets such as ArXiv Summarization and L-Eval. However, it is regrettable that the comparison target was LLaMa-2 70B. I thought, “Why?” and thought that this paper itself was published late. (It is common to intentionally lay back the technology disclosure.) The development of Mooncake is a significant technological advancement that significantly improves the efficiency and performance of LLM services. It is significant in that it effectively solves practical problems such as long context processing and overload response. There is also the possibility of further development through the use of heterogeneous accelerators or improvements in KVCache compression techniques in the future. In conclusion, Mooncake solves the major problems of LLM service through an innovative architecture centered on KVCache. The separation of prefill and decode stages, efficient cache management, and intelligent overload response strategy are evaluated as important technical advances that can significantly improve the scalability and efficiency of LLM service. The implementation of a distributed cache utilizing CPU, DRAM, and SSD resources is very interesting, and it is also said that it has reached the SLO (Service Level Objectives). If you try kimi, it is actually very good. It is very useful when searching for articles or information related to China. It is like a combination of chatGPT and perplexity...
America's concern: How should we control the price of electric vehicles?
The electric vehicle industry is experiencing remarkable growth. In 2023, global electric vehicle sales are expected to reach 14 million units, a 35% increase from the previous year, accounting for an astonishing 18% of the total automobile market. This growth is expected to continue, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer perceptions. Innovations in battery technology have dramatically improved the range and charging speed of electric vehicles. The latest electric vehicle models offer an average range of more than 300 miles (about 480 km), and with the advancement of fast charging technology, some models can be charged 10-80% in just 18 minutes. This is a factor that greatly reduces 'range anxiety'. The environmental benefits of electric vehicles are clear. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), electric vehicles produce more than 60 percent fewer greenhouse gases over their life cycle than internal combustion engine vehicles. This equates to a reduction of about 4.6 tons of carbon dioxide per year. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure is also expanding rapidly. As of 2023, the number of public chargers in the U.S. will be approximately 160,000, a 40% increase from 2021. However, it is still insufficient, and continued investment from the government and private sector is needed. Given the possibility of a change in government, there could be changes to the electric vehicle policy if the Trump administration is re-elected. In the past, the Trump administration has tended to support the fossil fuel industry, but considering the growth and job creation effects of the electric vehicle industry, it is expected that there will be adjustments rather than a complete change in policy. The initial purchase price of electric vehicles remains high, but it is gradually improving. As of 2023, the cheapest electric vehicle model in the United States will cost about $27,000, down 15% from two years ago. In addition, electric vehicles are already competitive in terms of total cost of ownership (TCO). Over five years, an electric vehicle costs an average of 28% less than an internal combustion engine vehicle, including fuel and maintenance costs. The auto industry is also responding quickly. Major automakers have announced plans to convert 40-50% of their entire lineup to electric vehicles by 2030. This suggests that more diverse and competitive electric vehicle models will be available on the market. In this respect, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan are very suitable markets for popularizing electric vehicles. The stress on driving distance is not as severe as in the US or China, and the infrastructure is surprisingly well developed. The problem is the price. In this situation where subsidies are reduced, it is rare for consumers to readily purchase an electric vehicle that costs over 60 million won. Low-cost electric vehicles are also being talked about in the US. Will Rivian, Tesla, etc. make low-cost electric vehicles? Or will they import low-cost electric vehicles produced in China? For now, Elon Musk says they have no intention of making low-cost electric vehicles and seem to want to pursue a more premium strategy. If you were to buy an electric car, what would be a reasonable price? Furthermore, would you be interested in a low-cost electric car from a Chinese brand entering the Korean market?
Japan's new challenge: plans to make freight-only roads underground
Over the past 30 years, the spread of online shopping has doubled the volume of small parcel deliveries. However, it is expected that by 2030, around 30% of parcels will not be delivered due to labor shortages. This has created an urgent need for automation of logistics systems. In response, a panel of experts from Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has proposed the development of an automated logistics system linking Tokyo and Osaka. The system will transport goods through highway medians or underground tunnels, and is scheduled to be completed by 2034. The biggest challenge is cost. According to a survey by construction companies, the cost of building an underground tunnel is between 7 billion yen and 80 billion yen per 10 kilometers, and the system connecting Tokyo and Osaka could cost up to 3.7 trillion yen. This is much higher than the 25.4 billion yen per 10 kilometers cost when the ground logistics link was planned in 2000. "This project will not only solve the logistics crisis, but also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We want to move forward with discussions on this issue quickly," said Tetsuo Saito, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Honestly, is it just me or is it because I'm thinking of the Third Tokyo from Evangelion more than the environment or anything? In Japan and the United States, projects to bury existing elevated highways underground are actually underway. In South Korea, a recent example of a major road undergrounding is the Dongtan section of the Gyeongbu Expressway. On March 28, 2024, the 4.7 km section between the Dongtan Junction and the Giheung-Dongtan IC of the Gyeongbu Expressway was straightened, and 1.2 km of it was buried underground. This is the first underground project for an urban highway in Korea, and it was completed after seven years of construction. It seems impressive that the method of determining the use of the road is not simply to secure space and preserve the environment by putting the road underground. The idea of creating a separate passageway rather than a road is somewhat cartoonish. Personally, I think of the undersea tunnel connecting Japan and Korea, and the Asian Highway connecting to Turkey. Do any of you remember it? Haha
The first official brand video created with OpenAI's video creation model Sora has been released.
ToysRUs is a global toy specialty store that has been imported into Korea by Lotte and is located in Lotte Department Stores and Malls. This brand film was produced in collaboration with Native Foreign using OpenAI's Sora. The content of the video shows the young Charles Lazarus, the founder of ToysRUs, and the brand film depicts him dreaming of Jeffrey the Giraffe, our iconic brand and beloved mascot in the early 1930s. Sora is a service that allows you to create videos up to one minute long, with realistic scenes and multiple characters generated from text instructions, and is currently only available through partners. I'm really impressed that this is the first "official" brand film produced using Sora.
A brief notice for subscribers
I started an open chat room called RUMOA. pw:1024. We have opened the Kkochi Coach, which was previously only available through recommendations, in an open beta format. Please take note. I would like to thank those who have always subscribed, and I would also like to ask that you promote it to those around you. More than 80% of visitors are non-subscribers ~_~
Is language a tool for communication or the basis of thought?
After writing my last article, I was talking with my friends about what language is and what thinking is. Then I came across an interesting article. Philosophers have long pondered the purpose of language. Plato emphasized the importance of language, saying that thinking is "an internal dialogue between the soul and oneself." Modern scholars such as Chomsky have also argued that language is essential for thinking and reasoning. However, there have been recent research results in the neuroscience field that challenge this. Dr. Evelyn Fedorenko, a cognitive neuroscientist at MIT, is a representative example. She scanned people’s brains with fMRI and discovered something interesting. The brain region that processes language is not activated when thinking or solving problems. Dr. Fedorenko says, “I couldn’t find evidence that language is necessary for thinking.” This is supported by studies of patients with brain damage. Patients with aphasia who have lost their ability to speak have no difficulty solving math problems or playing chess. These studies show that language is not essential for thinking. So what is the primary purpose of language? Dr. Fedorenko says firmly, “communication.” This is supported by research showing that the more frequently we use words, the shorter they are, and that grammar rules tend to place words closer together in meaning. It seems as if language has evolved to optimize the transmission of information. Now, let's move on to the story of LLM, which has emerged as a big player in the AI field these days. LLM speaks language fluently like a human thanks to learning from a huge amount of text. It's as if it perfectly imitates the human 'language network'. However, the ability to reason or solve problems is actually quite lacking. Given Dr. Fedorenko's theory that language and thinking are separate, this may be natural. LLM can be seen as having mastered the tool of language very well, but not developing the ability to think using that tool. Of course, this study does not diminish the value of language. As Guy Dove, a professor at the University of Louisville, puts it, "Language can be a tool to enhance thinking." When we think about democracy, we often think about conversations about democracy, right? Language network: When participants performed a language task, specific brain regions were activated. These regions remained in the same location over time. Thinking network: When the same participants solved puzzles or performed various thinking tasks, different brain regions were activated. But the language network remained silent. Aphasic patients: People whose language networks were damaged by brain damage were still able to perform tasks such as arithmetic and chess, further evidence that language is not essential for thinking. The important thing is that language is not the only or essential tool for thinking. We can and have thought in much more fundamental ways. This seems self-evident when we see that babies are trying to solve problems and understand the world even before they learn language. Looking at LLM, I think again about what unique abilities only humans have. Beyond simply exchanging information, it is the power to creatively combine that information and create new knowledge. In order for humans and artificial intelligence to grow together in the future, don’t we need both wings called ‘language’ and ‘thinking’?
Good land to build a data center
Recently, with the explosive development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the global data center market is growing rapidly. But what about our country? Unfortunately, Korea is lagging behind in this important trend. Let’s take a look at why this is happening and what the problems are. Personally, I think this issue is very important. Did you know that global big tech companies like Google, AWS, MS, and Apple are competing to build large-scale data centers in the Asian region? Malaysia and Taiwan are particularly prominent in this competition. Apple announced that it will build a 4.3 trillion won data center in northern Taiwan, and Google has already invested 1.7 trillion won. AWS is also said to be investing tens of billions of dollars over the next 15 years. But why did these companies choose Taiwan over Korea? The reason is simple. Taiwan is responsible for a significant portion of the world's semiconductor production, and thus occupies a key position in the global semiconductor supply chain. In addition, the Taiwanese government is actively attracting these companies through policies such as the 'Asian Silicon Valley Development Plan.' So why is our country lagging behind in this competition? The problem is multiple. First, there is the issue of power supply . Although our country's power infrastructure is well-equipped, it is in fact insufficient to handle the rapidly increasing power demand of data centers. It is said that the power consumption of data centers will more than double by 2026 [5], but the current power supply capacity is limited. In particular, the metropolitan area such as Seoul and Gyeonggi-do is already at a saturation point in power demand, making it difficult to build additional large-scale power consumption facilities. Second, there is the issue of securing land . Our country has a small land area and a high population density, so it is not easy to find land to build a large data center. Since everything is concentrated in the metropolitan area, it has become more difficult to build a data center in an appropriate location. Third, there is the issue of regulatory environment . Our country’s data management and personal information protection regulations are stricter than those of other countries. This is holding back global companies. Finally, the biggest problem is the 'net usage fee' system. Our country's network usage fees are ridiculously high compared to other countries. This is clearly shown by the fact that Twitch revealed that Korea's network fees were 10 times higher than other countries. This is why Twitch eventually withdrew from the Korean market. If this situation continues, our country will continue to lag behind in the competition for core infrastructure in the AI era. So what should we do? First, the government should urgently promote power infrastructure expansion and regional decentralization policies. In addition, it should establish active support policies for attracting data centers and improve the regulatory environment to meet global standards. In particular, the network usage fee issue should be resolved immediately. A reasonable network usage fee system that meets international standards should be created, and a balanced cooperative relationship should be established between global companies and domestic telecommunications companies. Data centers in the AI era are not simply corporate assets. They are important infrastructure that is directly related to national competitiveness. In order for our country to leap forward as an AI powerhouse, the government, companies, and academia must join forces to establish and implement a comprehensive strategy. Otherwise, we will inevitably fall to being a peripheral country in the AI era. If we are to blame labor costs, there is nothing to say about data centers being built in Taiwan and Japan, and if we are to talk about land prices or infrastructure, there is nothing to say about data centers being built in countries with relatively weaker infrastructure than Korea, such as Malaysia and Thailand. If geopolitical reasons are the problem, there are Taiwan, which is actually under threat from China, and Malaysia and Vietnam, which are friendly with China and Russia. But wait a minute, is attracting data centers always a good thing? The case of Singapore raises questions. There are over 70 data centers in Singapore, but they are restricting new data center permits. Why is that? Data centers use enormous amounts of electricity and water. According to reporter Lee Bong-ryeol's feature article, in Singapore, data centers consume 7% of total electricity consumption. In addition, data centers occupy a large area, but they do not require a lot of people to operate, so the employment effect is not great. Due to these issues, Ireland, Virginia, the European Union, and others are also strengthening regulations on data centers. Korea Electric Power Corporation is also banning the construction of new data centers in the metropolitan area starting this year. In this situation, what choice should we make? Rather than unconditionally attracting data centers, a cautious approach seems necessary. The government should step forward and establish regulations related to data centers, and distinguish between what is essential for domestic information security and what is not. In addition, measures should be prepared to ensure that the energy for operating data centers is renewable energy rather than fossil fuels. Personally, I think that it is necessary to attract data centers domestically. Even if it is not necessary to attract them, I think that domestic companies or the country should at least make them according to global standards in order to benefit from this competition. There are various reasons, such as environmental reasons and institutional reasons, but what can we do then? We need to think about it for a moment. (Of course, there are small regions in Korea such as Amazon/Google/Meta. However, they are very small in scale and most of them ‘exist’ due to personal information protection laws, etc.)
The era of drones is fast approaching due to war and AI.
Elon Musk recently tweeted, "The future of war is drone warfare." This story is more interesting than you might think. The original article said that drone technology is rapidly developing due to the war in Ukraine. The most impressive part was that a $400 drone was destroying a tank worth hundreds of millions of dollars. This is commonly called a suicide drone, and it literally crashes into its targets and self-destructs. This case from the Ukraine war shows how fast drone technology is developing and how it can change the face of war. The idea that low-cost drones can disable cutting-edge weapons systems must have given military strategists something to think about. But the power of drones is not simply in their cost-effectiveness. As artificial intelligence (AI) technology is integrated into drones, their potential grows even more. Drones equipped with AI will be able to analyze battlefield situations on their own, identify targets, and determine optimal attack routes. They will be able to perform complex missions without the intervention of human pilots. The development of such drones and AI technology will have a significant impact on our society as a whole, beyond the military. Drones are already being used in various fields such as agriculture, logistics, and entertainment. As AI technology advances, the scope of drone use will expand even further. However, at the same time, concerns about side effects such as privacy invasion, security threats, and job losses are also growing. The computers and internet that we use now are all technologies that were rapidly developed and distributed to the public sector due to war, so drones will be with us in the future if we come to our senses. In Korea, there are continuous movements to use them as a means of transportation, such as UAM. In the end, it will come down to regulation. Even now, there are frequent reports of drones being flown in drone-free zones. As drones become more accessible, it seems that we will have to fight over regulation and distribution. I would also like to talk about why technological advancements occur so quickly in wars and such, but I don’t think this is the place to talk about it. If you look at the link above, you can see a scene where a really cheap drone is attached to a bomb and destroys an enemy trench or tank. I think that in the future, the war itself may become a battle between drones without any casualties. It reminds me of the B-1 robot from the Star Wars series I saw as a child. (It’s not a drone, but robots like the one below fight the war instead.)
GPT-5 and the AI ​​Revolution: Mira Murati’s Journey and Our Future
“GPT-5 will perform at the level of a PhD or college student.” This sentence is no longer the stuff of science fiction. A recent interview with Mira Murati, OpenAI’s CTO, shows just how close this amazing future is. In a recent interview with Dartmouth College of Engineering, Mira Murati revealed some exciting information about GPT-5. Murati likened the leap from GPT-4 to GPT-5 to growing from a high school student to a college student . What’s even more surprising is the prediction that GPT-5 will reach “PhD-level” intelligence in certain tasks within the next few years. This revolutionary change is expected to happen sometime between late 2025 and early 2026 . Real-world applications of AI: From imagination to reality The development of GPT-5 is not just a simple technological evolution, but also heralds a revolutionary change. Its impact will be felt in a variety of fields: Healthcare : GPT-5 could perform complex diagnoses and suggest innovative treatments. Legal Field : By analyzing extensive case law, we will be able to suggest optimal legal strategies. Scientific research : Accelerate your research by analyzing large amounts of data and generating new hypotheses. While GPT-4 is currently limited to simple listing and superficial reasoning, GPT-5 will be able to go beyond that boundary and provide deeper analysis and creative solutions. AI and the Evolution of Jobs: From Past to Future The advancement of AI is bringing about a major change in the world of work. Historically, the core competencies and major occupations of a job have constantly evolved with the times: Agricultural society : agriculture is the main occupation, requiring physical strength Industrial Revolution : Factory workers are the norm, basic literacy is an important skill The current digital revolution : Office jobs are the main occupation, knowledge-based work skills are key The jobs of the future will become more personalized, and collaboration with AI will play a key role. As predicted by tech optimist Kevin Kelly, personalized services and products will increase. Mira Murati: A Leading Figure in the AI Revolution Mira Murati's story is a good example of the pace of AI development and our future. She is someone I personally look forward to. Murati often jokes that she is "the only bachelor's degree holder among OpenAI's technical staff," but she is currently a key figure leading one of the world's leading AI companies. Majored in Rocketry at Dartmouth College In 2013, Tesla entered the world of AI through autonomous driving development. Joined OpenAI in 2018, currently serving as CTO In 2012, fresh out of college and working at Zodiac Aerospace, would Mira Murati have imagined that she would be an iconic figure in the AI industry by 2024? Probably not. This teaches us an important lesson: when we find something we love and immerse ourselves in it, unexpected opportunities can come our way. The advancement of AI is amazing in itself, but the opportunities it will bring us are even more amazing.
[Editorial] Where has Korea, an IT powerhouse, gone?
Recently, many advanced countries such as the United States, China, Canada, Japan, and France have announced that they will invest trillions of dollars in AI budgets at the government level. Naturally, with such news coming out so often, questions are being raised in Korea as well. "Why doesn't Korea spend money on AI? What is the government doing?" I would like to point out the problems along with an explanation of these questions. Personally, I think this issue is very important. In fact, South Korea is investing a lot of money in artificial intelligence. It may sound surprising, but it is true. In fact, the combined budget for AI from the central government, local governments, and public corporations in South Korea exceeds the trillions. The articles below are reports on the budgets allocated by government ministries for AI in the 2024 budget. “Isn’t that enough?” Why do people in the actual industry think that South Korea is not supporting AI? Why don’t they feel it? The reason is simple. Most of this budget is being allocated to places that are far from actual AI. As the world has witnessed, the hegemony of the AI market is currently concluded as "Who has more AI chips and who makes better general models?" The US and China are securing chips that were previously imported for gaming purposes, even if they are disassembled or sent through Southeast Asian countries. In fact, even if you place an order with NVIDIA now, it will take several months to receive a proper product. (This is also why I said that we should continue to buy NVIDIA from 2022.) The best AI learning efficiency that exists is still NVIDIA products. However, we have failed to secure this infrastructure at the national level. Most of the AI centers built this time and wherever you go have V100 and A100. Even these are not many. There are only a few, and some are not even in operation. I've seen many cases where they're using models from 5 years ago. Of course, it's better than nothing. But as you know, this makes a difference of at least 3 times and as much as 12 times in the AI model learning speed . It's a difference that's hard to fill with tricks in software or learning methods. As I've said before, as model learning becomes a battle of scale and speed, high-performance infrastructure is now becoming a necessity. So the government is also working with local governments to build data centers, but if you look at the budget, it’s not entirely spent on AI facilities. While they’re at it, they’re also building roads, welfare facilities, and other projects under the name of AI budgets. Are AI startups in Silicon Valley, New York, Tel Aviv, and Paris doing well in development because of the convenient transportation? The problem is not the budget, but how and by whom it is spent. We live in the cloud era, and it is now widespread to assign models with just one click. According to someone recently, if you spend money like this, problems can arise later. In addition, if security issues are raised, you will try to build your own facilities instead of the cloud, and then you will not be able to get the latest infrastructure, and you will naturally end up buying old models that you can afford, and only those who are bidding for government projects or small businesses will enter the fray . Also, these budgets are currently being made separately by the central government, each ministry, local government, and public corporations. Each bid is made separately, and various groups are involved in this work. Ultimately, this is inviting Galapagosization. We need to gather budget and talent at the national level, but that is not happening right now. It is not something that can be done just by organizing a budget, and it is not something that can be done just by hiring people. Is this simply because they are leaving because they are being paid a lot? It is because there is no place in Korea that properly supports and promotes research. There are many cases where they cannot do research even if they want to. Personally, I think that the talk about reducing the R&D budget came from this context, but cutting everything off to prevent budget leaks is close to a bad idea. Did they actually catch it? It probably didn’t mean much. Recently, I keep seeing talk about government-level fund creation, investment attraction, and bipartisan response from China, Japan, Taiwan, the US, etc. every week. I know there are a few people in Korea who are making these efforts. However, there doesn't seem to be much interest in places that actually make decisions or allocate budgets. When was Korea called an IT powerhouse? Is it still an IT powerhouse? Shouldn't we prepare an environment that is sustainable and can operate in 5 or 10 years, rather than a voucher industry or a wasteful and performance-oriented business? When you need to concentrate There are businesses that the country is pursuing. They are ‘semiconductors’, ‘displays’, and ‘secondary batteries’. These three are industries that the country takes care of to the point that they have separate customs laws. The industries that all three of these are in are electric vehicles and smartphones. The reason why Korea has developed so quickly is because it prepared in the 90s and 00s. How is it now? These technologies are also being chased by China, Japan, and Taiwan at a frightening rate. CATL, the world’s number one and mid-tier company, is looking at the lithium-ion battery market after sodium-ion batteries, and Japan’s Panasonic, Toshiba, and Sony are also sharpening their knives in displays and semiconductors. There’s no need to even mention Taiwan. In Korea, the government rarely talks about the software industry. There are companies like Naver and Kakao, but in reality, they are mostly regulated rather than supported domestically. In the case of the recent Naver-Line Yahoo incident, the government couldn’t do anything. Well, if they had done something, they could at least talk about it, but since they didn’t do anything, they had no choice but to just watch. The same goes for startups. In fact, the Park Geun-hye and Moon Jae-in administrations must have learned a lot from investing in startups, but that hasn’t continued. Collaboration is happening at the private sector level. Naver, Samsung, and SK are leading the way. I think we need to lead or support this kind of construction or infrastructure industry at the national level. In fact, if it is difficult to destroy the AI development ecosystem created by Nvidia from the outside, it would be a good idea to approach it by making compatible chips or chips that can be accelerated. In fact, making a new standard when it has already become a standard is not very meaningful and will only accelerate Galapagosization. Let's talk about digital government. Oh, there's already an "e-government"? Anyone who has used e-government even once will find it hard to say that it's convenient and good, even if it's just empty words. Also, since it's used by the central government, most of the time they have no choice but to use it. Even if it's down to each local government or agency, they organize it and use it themselves. This will drain the budget again. There's been a lot of talk about digital government, DX, and such, but they've only really done it and haven't been able to do it sustainably. Personally, I always wonder. Is this a problem in the budget planning stage, a problem in selecting a company, or a problem in supervision (audit)? Even now, time and money are flowing, and we are missing important decisions like sand in our hands. I don't know if this article will reach them, but we really need to think about what we will do in a few years. The longer it is delayed, the more people will be dazzled and dragged by AI services, and the wrong people will make money. It is already happening. In fact, I have discussed this from the perspective of the National Assembly (politics) before, but both the executive and legislative branches should think about it. The judiciary should do a better job of monitoring this. We have already learned in middle school social studies textbooks why the separation of powers is a valuable system and why our country chose it. I hope that the system will function normally. Summation
Where does so much artificial intelligence learning data come from?
Recently, as artificial intelligence (AI) technology has developed rapidly, the shocking fact has been revealed that the texts, photos, and videos we post online are being used without permission for AI training. In particular, there has been a huge controversy over the claim that famous AI companies such as OpenAI and Anthropic are collecting content without permission, ignoring the intentions of website owners. At the heart of this problem is a small file called 'robots.txt'. What is the problem, and how does it affect us? The robots.txt file: The traffic lights of the web The 'robots.txt' file is a kind of guide that the website owner gives to search engines and other 'bots' (automated programs) saying "You can look here" and "Don't look here". In simple terms, it sets the 'entry rules' of the website. For example, "User-agent: * Disallow: /private/" tells all bots not to enter the "/private/" folder. This little text file plays several important roles. Reduce server load : Too many bots at once can slow down your website. Privacy : You can hide information you don't want to make public. Efficient information delivery : You can show important information first. Controversial Behavior of AI Companies According to Business Insider and Reuters, AI companies like OpenAI and Anthropic have promised to follow the 'robots.txt' rules, but in reality, they are ignoring them. This is like driving without a traffic light. This behavior is not only a violation of the rights of website owners, but also a serious problem that can damage the trustworthiness of the entire Internet. In Korea alone, when Claude3 was asked to write in the DC Inside tone, a specific community tone, he was revealed to do so very harshly, which was used very humorously. In this situation, a company called TollBit is gaining attention. TollBit, a content licensing brokerage company, has been closely examining the behavior of AI companies. They track which websites AI visits and how often, and calculate appropriate usage fees based on this. This can be seen as a role similar to cracking down on illegal parking. TollBit's activities can contribute to creating a fair relationship between AI companies and content creators. Did TollBit intentionally create this controversy? TollBit is a business that generates revenue as an intermediary, so their claims may have some business benefits. However, this is a basic principle of business, and if TollBit's claims are based on facts, they are legitimate claims. TollBit is trying to facilitate fair transactions between AI companies and publishers, and provide solutions that can benefit both parties. TollBit’s argument seems valid on several levels. Ignoring robots.txt files can be a violation of the rights of website owners, which can be legally and ethically problematic. TollBit’s argument is a valid argument that protects the rights of publishers, as it seeks to prevent AI companies from collecting data in unethical ways. Backlash and legal responses from content platforms and media companies Various content platforms and media outlets are strongly opposing these behaviors of AI companies. They claim that unauthorized data collection by AI companies is threatening their business models. Media outlets that produce news articles or professional content are expressing concerns about their works being learned and reproduced without permission by AI. Social media platforms, blog hosting services, and expert knowledge sharing sites are also taking notice of this problem, and they are working to prevent content produced by their users from being used for AI training without their permission. Some large media companies and content platforms have already initiated or are considering legal action. This would require legal judgment on the data collection practices of AI companies, which could set an important precedent for future AI development and content use. How do you stop this? As AI technology advances, we need to recognize that everything we post online can be used to train AI. This can have major implications for our privacy and copyright. However, making robots.txt mandatory by law will place huge restrictions on the Internet. In fact, blocking is a one-dimensional method, and not posting information on the Internet is not really an appropriate method. I think the best solution would be to reorganize this into a form that benefits those who upload posts, like Reddit or Tollbit. Of course, it would be good to properly specify the collection of learning information for artificial intelligence models.
The Indian market is not easy: For those considering entering the global market
I read this article recently. It was an article that clearly showed the opportunities and optimism about the Indian market and the interest in Korea. However, there are many parts that can be misunderstood if you just read them, so I think I need to organize them. The Indian market is definitely attractive, but there are various challenges and risk factors behind it. Personally, I think India and Korea are at opposite ends of the market. The reasons why the Indian market is difficult are as follows. Regional differences and economic disparities: The level of economic development in India varies greatly across regions. The gap between urban and rural areas leads to differences in consumption patterns and purchasing power. Complex regulations and administrative procedures: The regulatory environment in India is very complex and there are uncertainties in tax and customs procedures. If you do not have local knowledge of the area, it can be a disaster. Cultural Diversity and Language Barriers: India has so many things to count, from religion to language. This is harder than you might think. The fact that the language, religion, and culture are different is a new approach for service providers every time. We are not the only ones looking at India: The Indian market is already highly competitive with many local and global companies already in the market. In particular, since it is a market with high price sensitivity, local companies often end up suppressing industrial products. Infrastructure issues and logistics difficulties: This was recently discussed in the story of the Indian Prime Ministerial elections on Shukaworld, but except for a few major cities, the infrastructure for inter-city transportation is poor. Also, internet access is not as smooth as expected. Do you know why I said it's the exact opposite of Korea? It's hard to find a market in the world that has a single cultural background, uses a single language, has a similar lifestyle, and has half of the population living in the metropolitan area. In addition, Korea is a very wealthy developed country in terms of GDP. In other words, it's a great market with purchasing power and similar customers. Sometimes, we talk about opportunities in countries with large populations, but personally, we should look at language and culture as well as population. There are more cases where people approach only by looking at population and end up getting hurt. If you are curious about this, try testing it with Facebook ads and you will get a feel for it. Similar markets include Taiwan, Japan, and China (limited to first-tier cities). East Asian countries are really attractive markets. Of course, this is not a story about advancing into India or overseas markets. As I always say in consulting or wherever, the "US market" or "Japanese market" approach is very difficult. In the US, it would be better to target a market centered on a specific city in a specific state, or in Japan, a city or district. The moment we define it as the OO market, we are often unconsciously swallowed by the feeling of that country or culture, and cannot make good decisions.
Scrum, the “real thing” from the founder of Agile
I was able to interview Jeff Sutherland , the founder of Scrum and the proponent of the Agile Manifesto . As some of you may know, he is a contributing writer for ep9, published by Time & Co. I had visited him through articles on Notion, Slack, etc., and among the topics he had been piling up were 'Scrum' and 'Agile.' At the meeting, I asked if it would be a good idea to talk to Jeff Sutherland in person, and the interview was pushed forward with the active support of editors Ken and Lia. The result? Fortunately, he readily accepted. Geoff Sutherland is over 80 years old, but his eyes are full of energy and his voice is so powerful that you can't tell his age at all. In this interview, Sutherland talked deeply about various topics such as the journey from the birth of Scrum to the present, the reality and solutions of the distortion of Agile and Scrum, and the role of Scrum in the AI era. It was a rare experience to have a direct conversation with someone I had only read about in books. Geoff Surreland emphasized that "Scrum Master is a true leader who motivates the team and drives business performance," and emphasized that he should be a coach who grows with the team, not just a meeting facilitator. In particular, I really liked the part where teams of 5 or fewer people are the most effective, and the Scrum Master himself should be the best performer in that team. Another thing to note is Sutherland's point that 'Scrum' and 'Agile' are being misrepresented. In fact, I prepared a question about this part. I asked about articles like < Scrum is Cancer> that were also a hot topic on GeekNews , and Geoff Sutherland said that he was already aware of this and felt that there were many things wrong with it. The reason this trend has spread is that many companies are only superficially introducing Scrum while missing out on the important things like team autonomy, collaboration, and customer-centered thinking. I sympathized 100% because I have felt similar concerns in the field. Sutherland also offered an interesting vision for the future of AI and Scrum. He said that AI will automate much of the development work, but human creativity and collaboration will become more important. And during this interview, Sutherland himself actively uses Otter and GPT-4, saying that he has become more productive thanks to AI. GPTs created by Jeff Suhreland himself: He said that he created them by collecting his own writings and thoughts. If I say more, it might be a spoiler... A feature article based on this interview with Sutherland will be uploaded to <EP9>. If you want to properly understand Agile and Scrum and gain insight to lead the era of change, I recommend reading the interview with Sutherland in <EP9>. Business-Changing Tech Stories, Ep9 A business story of people who constantly take on challenges and create change through technology, giving you the courage to take on new challenges.
Summary of European election results: The rise of the right and France's political gamble
I talked about the EU general election in the past on Haebom, and recently, the results of the 2023 European Parliament general election, an important moment that will determine the future of the European Union, have come out. This election is heralding a change in the European political landscape along with several unexpected events. The European Union Summit, where the heads of state and government of each country gather to set the direction of the European Union, the European Commission, which acts as a kind of executive branch of the European Union, and the dynamics of the European Parliament will undergo many changes depending on the results of this election. European Parliament and the major party coalition The European Parliament is made up of members elected from each member state and plays an important role in deliberating the legislation and budget of the European Union. This election took place from June 6 to 9, and voters in each country elected members to represent their country. Major party alliances and their achievements European People's Party (EPP): A coalition of traditional conservative parties, including Germany's CDU and Spain's People's Party (PP), which won 190 seats in the elections, making it still the largest coalition in the European Parliament. Social and Progressive Alliance (S&D): A center-left coalition, it remains the second largest party with 136 seats. European Conservatives and Reformers (ECR): A coalition of hard-right parties led by Italian Prime Minister Giorgio Meloni. Won 66 seats. Identity and Democracy (ID): A far-right coalition of parties, including the controversial Alternative for Germany (AfD), which won 58 seats, or 73 if you include the AfD's seats. Renew Europe: A liberal and centrist coalition that includes President Macron's party. It won 96 seats in the election, but Macron's Renaissance Party lost influence, winning only 13 seats. Greens (Greens/EFA): Environmentalist and left-leaning coalition, winning 73 seats. Changes in the European Parliament and the Rise of the Right This election was particularly strong for right-wing parties. The European People’s Party (EPP) remains the largest coalition, but there has been a notable rise in hard-right and far-right parties. The performances of the European Conservative Reform Party (ECR) and Identity and Democracy (ID) show that the political landscape in Europe is shifting to the right. France's Political Gamble: President Macron Calls for Early Elections French President Emmanuel Macron has called early elections after the Renaissance Party’s crushing defeat in the European elections, a move seen as a strategy to prevent far-right Marine Le Pen’s National Rally from gaining more influence in French politics. Macron hopes to regain political control through early elections, but given his low approval ratings, it’s unclear whether this gamble will pay off. France has adopted a semi-presidential system, where the president presides over defense and foreign policy, and the prime minister executes day-to-day state affairs. As a result, it is common for the president and prime minister to belong to different parties. It remains to be seen whether this early general election will end up as a political gamble for President Macron, or a decisive moment to prevent the rise of the far right. Characteristics of European Parliament elections European Parliament elections are often used as a venue for expressing dissatisfaction with the governments of their own countries. Since domestic political issues often influence voters’ votes more than EU policies, the results of this election also had a strong meaning of warning to the current government and the establishment political forces. The 2024 European Parliament elections are heralding a new shift in European politics. The rise of right-wing parties and the weakening of centrist liberal coalitions are reshaping the political balance in Europe. In particular, the early elections in France are expected to have major ripple effects across Europe. The European Union is at a point where it must find a new direction amid these changes. The results of these elections will be a crucial turning point that will determine the future of Europe.
The reason why I don’t like the term that_girl and hexagon talent
Recently, the number of people who have done the skewer coaching has exceeded 50 people. People from juniors to seniors, people from other industries, and retirees have applied, so it is very enjoyable because it gives me a new perspective that I could not see before. Usually, I also have food and drinks, so if I consider this a business, I think I have spent hundreds so far, but I think it was worth it. Some people feel burdened or sorry about getting it, but there is no need to feel burdened at all. As I always say during coaching, the goal is to do well later and eat more expensive things. The key is to write down goals for the second coaching session, along with the same joke. I hope these things will become a bountiful harvest someday! I digressed a bit, but the topic of this article is "Why I don't like the words that_girl and hexagonal talent." Since a little over 2020, the term "workaholic" has really bothered me. What is a workaholic, and what does it mean to do well? The problem with trying to answer these questions is that the word itself is abstract, flexible, and open-ended. Naturally, this is bound to lead to burnout. The video from the tweet is of Professor Kim Nu-ri of Woo-chuk This was a content from JTBC's Different Class, and I was very impressed by the expression 'self-exploitation' used for that_girl. I personally sympathize with this part. I was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder a few years ago, and I actually took related medication for quite a long time. Burnout is a bonus. For this to work properly, there needs to be a clear incentive, but this is also not easy. (Personal ability + market situation + performance) Honestly, there are three main reasons why the expressions that_girl, hard worker, and hexagon seem clever. Are there any real that_girl/hexagon/workers? Even if you spend your time like Hermione, you're bound to make mistakes. The fact that he does everything means he is a SSS-level regressor, but is there such a person in our company? As the saying goes, "I'm someone's XX, so I'm someone's XX too," this doesn't always apply. Do their ways and methods work for me too? Does studying the textbook “The Wrong Answer Notebook of a Student at a Prestigious University” mean I will definitely go to a prestigious university? Do you think I can make 100 million won a month with ㅁㅁㅁ? I wonder if that method will work for me. I should think about it. Is this method right for me and does it actually work? Due to lack of effort and low level of understanding, there are few people who go into the field of that_girl (not that there are none) It's like everyone is comparing figure skating skills to Yuna Kim and soccer skills to Heung-min Son. But is this a good way? They also have to find the right training method and figure out meaningful things. The type of business where a good lecture or something is due to something and if it fails, it is my fault is usually seen in the education and wellness industries. If we get a 900 on the TOEIC, we don’t complain to the TOEIC teacher because we got an 800, right? We know that we didn’t study on our own, and furthermore, we don’t complain even if we don’t get the body we want even after receiving expensive personal training for several months. Why? Because we don’t follow the strict diet and exercise that the personal training teacher told us to do. What I felt while running the coaching program is that everyone wants to do well like a hexagon or a hard worker, and that is the most obsessive and stressful form. It is a cycle that I often show when I coach, and it is like this. Depression, obsession, and anxiety feed on each other and grow... It is very difficult to achieve good results from this. Working hard is never a bad thing. However, if you sprint every time, something is likely to break. Even if it breaks, it is not even a certain reward or something to gain. The problem is that it is not even that. Furthermore, there are many people who fake efforts and think they have done it, which makes this problem even worse. The most important thing is that we must be on guard against these people. Among Soljigi that_girl, hexagonal talents, and hard workers, only a very small number are real, and there are even many who call themselves that. Personally, I think that doing what we want to do in life, meeting people we care about, and having positive and diverse thoughts is the way for us to be the most happy. Anyway, good luck to you all. I wrote an editorial like this before, and this is an extension of that.
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