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Scrum, the “real thing” from the founder of Agile
I was able to interview Jeff Sutherland, the founder of Scrum and the originator of the Agile Manifesto . As some of you may know, I am participating as a writer for EP9, published by Time & Co. I looked for articles on Notion, Slack, etc., and among the articles I had accumulated, there were 'Scrum' and 'Agile'. At that meeting, I asked if it would be cool to talk to Jeff Thuraland in person, and with the active encouragement of editors Ken and Lia, the interview was promoted. result? Fortunately, he readily accepted.
Jeff Theraland Ong may be over 80 years old, but the fire in his eyes and the power of his voice are so great that I can't tell his age at all. In this interview, Sutherland talked in depth about a variety of topics, including the journey from the birth of Scrum to the present, the reality and solutions to the distortion of Agile and Scrum, and the role of Scrum in the AI ​​era. The experience of talking directly with someone I had only read about in books was very rare.
Jeff Seoraland emphasized that “a scrum master is a true leader who motivates the team and drives business performance,” and emphasized that he should be a coach who grows with the team, not just a meeting facilitator. In particular, I really liked the fact that teams of 5 or less are most effective and that the Scrum Master itself should be the person with the best performance on the team.
I only have a few screenshots left, but I'm uploading them because the eyes are so contrasty that it's funny.
Another point worth paying attention to is Sutherland’s point that ‘Scrum’ and ‘Agile’ are being spread incorrectly. Actually, I prepared questions about this part. GeekNews also asked questions about articles such as < Scrum is Cancer>, which became a hit, and Jeff Theraland said that he was already aware of this and felt that there were many things wrong with it. The reason this trend has spread is that many companies are only superficially introducing Scrum, but are missing out on the really important things, such as team autonomy, collaboration, and customer-centered thinking. I sympathize 100 times, as I have also felt similar issues in my work.
Sutherland also presented an interesting vision for the future of AI and Scrum. Although AI will automate much of the development work, human creativity and collaboration skills will become more important. And during this interview, Seraland actively used Otter and GPT-4 and said that he was more productive thanks to artificial intelligence.
GPTs created by Jeff Theraland: He created them by collecting his own writing and daily thoughts.
I think it could be a spoiler if I say more... A planned article based on this interview with Sutherland will be uploaded to <EP9>. To properly understand Agile and Scrum, to gain insight to lead the era of change, If you want, I recommend reading the Sutherland interview in <EP9>.
Changing the game of business | Tech Story, Ep9
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