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Buy snake oil! It guarantees disease-free longevity.
While talking about non-entrepreneurship, we talked about 'snake oil'. Literally translated as snake oil, this word refers to something worthless or fraudulent. The expression is said to have originated from the 18th century European saying that eating or applying snake oil would cure all diseases.
I'm a little lost in words, but we are now entering the AI ​​era. Artificial intelligence technology is revolutionizing many aspects of our lives, but it is also true that it is full of exaggerated advertisements and unfounded promises. The so-called ‘AI snake oil’ is rampant.
Despite lacking expertise or experience in AI, they use language models to pretend to be experts. They deceive the public with flashy words and exaggerate the potential of AI with unfounded claims. They even lie by claiming that they developed AI technology themselves.
Because of these false experts, misconceptions about AI are spreading and distrust of the technology is growing. Startups that receive huge investments and offer fake AI services are also appearing frequently. In fact, consumers who use these services do not receive proper value and suffer damage.
In order to properly understand and prepare for the changes that the development of AI technology will bring, we must listen to the voices of people with real expertise. Rather than being deceived by flashy words, we should consider the evidence and logic. We must be able to discuss the limitations and risks of AI with an open attitude.
Rather than blindly trusting or fearing technology, we must learn to use it wisely and control it. It is time to prepare for the AI ​​era with an honest and sincere attitude, rather than being deceived by pseudo-gurus who claim to be experts. We must develop a keen sense of criticism and insight into the essence of technology.
AI will definitely give us great opportunities. But in the process, we must not play to snake oil salesmen. Only when we all understand and use AI technology with a sense of ownership will we be able to enter the human-centered AI era. What we need now is not blind praise for technology, but an attitude of critical acceptance.
This article was written by Claude-3 Opus, excluding the top two paragraphs.