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Convert handwriting to font for free. Calligraphr
I know there are some services in Korea, but I think we’ve reached an age where we can use these for free. It’s also economical in terms of price and it’s meaningful because it costs much less. As the basic performance of image processing and pattern inference is rapidly improving, I can see that these services that cost millions of won a few years ago are now so cheap. I think that technological advancement is truly dazzling.
Although the service has now ended, the price at the time of service of the domestic service 'Ongeul Leaf'
In the past, Naver Clova also carried out a similar project, and now you can get 109 handwritten fonts for free. If you are not confident in your handwriting like me... Ah, in the first place, there is not much use for handwriting in digital. But I think handwriting has its own charm compared to Gothic, Myeongjo, and Sans-Serif.
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