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Is artificial intelligence good at performing creative tasks?
Using the Alternate Uses Task (AUT), which is a common measure of creativity, we compared 256 human participants with three current AI chatbots (ChatGPT3.5, ChatGPT4, and Copy.Ai). As a result, the AI chatbots produced more creative responses than the human participants on average. However, the most creative human ideas were still matched or surpassed by the chatbots. While this study highlights the potential of AI as a tool to enhance creativity, it also highlights the complex and unique nature of human creativity that is difficult to fully replicate or surpass.
AUT is one of the psychological tests used to measure creativity, asking participants to come up with alternative uses for everyday objects (e.g., paper clips, newspapers, combs, etc.).
Divergence: How many different ways can a given item be used?
Originality: How unique the idea is.
Feasibility: Is the idea actually feasible?
Through this task, researchers measured participants' creativity and compared it to an AI chatbot to determine which was more creative.
The Relationship Between AI and Human Creativity: This study provides insights into the relationship between AI and human creativity.
AI performance: As a result, AI at least matches, or even surpasses, average human performance on the most common tests of creative thinking (AUT).
Humans vs. AI: On average, AI chatbots outperform humans, but top-notch humans can still compete with AI.
Human weaknesses: The most obvious weakness in human performance is the relatively high rate of low-quality ideas. This may be due to failures in human association, execution, and motivation.
The multifaceted nature of creativity: Creativity is a multifaceted phenomenon, and this study focused only on the most common tasks (AUTs) that measure diverse thinking.
However, the study also points out that AI technology is developing rapidly, so the results may be different in six months.
Questions to consider
AI's Creativity Limits: When AI chatbots are more creative than humans on average, what does that really mean?
Unique Human Creativity: If the most creative human ideas outperform AI, what makes human creativity so special?
Measuring Creativity: What Other Ways Can We Measure Creativity Besides 'Alternative Use Tasks (AUTs)'?
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