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Von Restorff Effect

The Von Restorff Effect, or "separation effect," is the phenomenon in which, when presented with multiple homogeneous stimuli, different stimuli are better remembered. This theory was developed by Hedwig von Restorff, a German psychiatrist and pediatrician.
For example, if only one item on a shopping list is highlighted in bright green, users will remember that item better than the others. This effect can be achieved by changing physical characteristics such as size, shape, color, spacing, and underlining.
This effect can play an important role in UX/UI design. When you want users to remember information or elements, you can use this effect to emphasize important parts.
Parker, Amanda; Wilding, Edward; Akerman, Colin (1998). “The von Restorff Effect in Visual Object Recognition Memory in Humans and Monkeys: The Role of Frontal/Perirhinal Interaction” (PDF). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 10 (6): 691–703. doi:10.1162/089892998563103. PMID 9831738. S2CID 8416091.