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⚠️ What is open source in the era of artificial intelligence?
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Companies tend to switch to non-commercial licenses to protect their intellectual property and avoid open source obligations (even for GPT-4).
Even open source projects focusing on large language models are increasingly adopting licenses that only allow non-commercial use.
This trend overlooks the fact that most of the benefits are concentrated in academia and hobby-related interests.
There is a limit to going with the argument that this is a proper business and investment, so why not disclose it?
It is unclear why companies should open source AI models that they have developed with effort and resources, as releasing them for free could harm shareholders → Shouldn't OpenAI also pay a salary?
Future value creation in the AI field is expected to follow a similar pattern to innovation, requiring significant capital investment, such as investment in the latest generation of AI technologies, such as large-scale generative models, and accumulation of specialized personnel.
Large companies will provide the AI infrastructure and form the foundation for the rest of the ecosystem, and startups based on this will still have ample room for growth.
However, no open source project is likely to beat out big companies like AWS, and the emergence of an open source community as a serious competitor to OpenAI's GPT and subsequent models is considered highly unlikely.
To sum it up
It is true that there is a need for understanding and interest in open source in the AI field.
→ You will remember that there were many new attempts when Rama was actually released.
Companies must carefully consider the implications of their open source licensing decisions
Startups based on technologies restricted by non-commercial licenses should be cautious → Rather, it might be better to pay attention to models that are commercially acceptable or friends who have chosen a current game engine (BM such as Unity or Unreal)
Due to the high cost of LLM, large companies are bound to dominate the AI field.
From a startup perspective, future development direction and strategy must be approached carefully.
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