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China develops world's tallest urban farm
Food is an essential element for national stability and development, as the term “food security” has recently emerged. In particular, in the case of China, the importance of food security for feeding a population of 1.4 billion is even more evident. Accordingly, China is focusing on increasing the efficiency and sustainability of food production through technological innovation.
Recently, China opened the world’s tallest unmanned vertical farm in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, breaking new ground in urban agriculture. The 20-story farm features self-breeding crop varieties, a vertical three-dimensional cultivation system, an automatic nutrient supply system, energy-efficient artificial lighting, and an AI-based control system, boasting revolutionary productivity and efficiency compared to traditional farming methods.
Cutting-edge technologies: Various cutting-edge technologies have been applied, including autonomously bred crop varieties, vertical three-dimensional cultivation systems, and automatic nutrient supply systems.
AI Control System: An artificial intelligence-based control system ensures stable production within the vertical space.
No Climate or Geographical Constraints: This facility is free from climate and geographic constraints and can harvest lettuce every 35 days.
Abundant crop production: Large-scale production of a variety of leafy vegetables, fruits, edible mushrooms, etc.
Eliminating Location Constraints: China is increasing agricultural activity even in areas outside traditional farmland.
China is also achieving success in non-traditional agricultural areas through technological innovation. For example, building high-rise pig farms, growing rice in Xinjiang’s salt flats, and developing seawater aquaculture technology show that China is expanding its agricultural activities in diverse environments to achieve food self-sufficiency.
These technological innovations offer a new perspective on the future of sustainable agriculture, not only in China but also around the world. They are about overcoming the limitations of traditional farming methods due to climate change and environmental destruction, and presenting new models for food production in the context of urbanization.
China has announced plans to overcome its food security crisis by raising food production to a level where it can be self-sufficient as quickly as possible.
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