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Make LLM easier to use with setup prompts

It may be cumbersome to use the various techniques mentioned above each time you enter the prompt. If you have installed LLM locally, you can use it by using the preceding prompt or setting various values ​​in advance, but this is not a common situation. A feature called Custom instructions recently released by chatGPT completely solves this problem.
What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
Just fill in what kind of person you are or what situations you frequent by asking “What do you want ChatGPT to know about you to help us give you better answers?” If you are using it for role-playing or a specific professional field, it is a good idea to set it up in advance.
How would you like ChatGPT to respond?
You can dictate how you want ChatGPT to respond by asking, “How do you want ChatGPT to respond?” This is great to use when you want to unify a specific template or speaking form.
On the web: Select your username → Settings → Custom instruction. Modifications can only be made on the web.
On mobile: Turn on Settings → Custom instructions. You'll see personalized instructions in Settings.
Although I say it's just my personal tip, I personally make sure to say the question , the intent of the question , and the response when answering. The reason is to check once more how the language model understands and interprets what I said and to infer the basis for deriving the answer.
Personal settings
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