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Free yourself from non-existent worries and prepare for the future
There are times when our hearts become heavy with worries about the future. But many of those worries are things that may not actually happen. Of course, it may be difficult to completely shake off worrying, but it would be helpful to prepare for the problems we may actually face and pay more attention to finding solutions.
Especially these days, as technology develops rapidly, major changes are occurring in the labor market. In these situations, specific preparations are more important than vague worries. Worrying only increases anxiety and does not actually help solve the problem. In contrast, preparedness means approaching a problem practically by making a realistic plan and preparing the necessary things. By doing this, we can control some of our anxiety and increase our capabilities.
Of course, as technology develops, some jobs may disappear, but at the same time, many new jobs will be created. And it will be difficult to completely replace tasks that only humans can do, or tasks that require emotion or creativity, with machines. So there is no need to be too afraid of these changes. Rather, we need to take it as an opportunity and adapt to it.
There may be people who experience difficulties during this process of change. So we need to further strengthen the social safety net. Institutional support is needed so that everyone can maintain a basic quality of life and enjoy economic benefits equally. Something like the basic income system, which is often discussed these days, could be part of that.
Good resource for further reading
“Preparing for the (Non-existent?) Future of Work” analyzes the impact of technological advancements on the labor market. Advances in automation and artificial intelligence may replace many jobs, but this will not necessarily have negative consequences.
Impact of technological advancements
Technological advancements can cause major changes in the labor market. The report highlights that technological advancements can create new types of jobs, even if some jobs disappear. For example, during the Industrial Revolution, when machines replaced human labor, new jobs were created. This suggests that technological progress does not necessarily lead to large-scale unemployment.
Economic redundancy
Although technological advancements may allow some jobs to be automated, there are also 'nostalgic jobs' that still require human labor. These jobs require special human abilities or emotions and are fields that machines cannot completely replace. Therefore, human labor will not disappear completely, and we must accept this change positively.
Social insurance
The report argues that a social insurance system is needed to mitigate the risks posed by technological advancements. This is an important factor in reducing inequality in the labor market and helping everyone enjoy economic benefits. For example, by introducing a basic income system, we can solve the unemployment problem caused by automation and help all citizens maintain basic living standards.
In conclusion
In fact, rather than worrying too much about changes we can't control, it's better to focus on things we can realistically prepare for. You may not be able to stop the coming changes, but if you deal with them wisely, you will be able to get through them well. How about putting down some of the burden on your mind and preparing for the future wisely?