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North Korea notifies satellite launch plan
Another uproar in the neighborhood, as if the button was pressed due to the successful launch of Nuriho
For the first time since the launch of a satellite named Gwangmyeongseong in 2016
North Korea said it was launching a reconnaissance satellite, but the reason Japan is so sensitive is...
Reconnaissance satellites are available to the US, Japan, China, and South Korea.
However, in the case of North Korea, there is a problem because they are testing ballistic missiles, claiming that they are artificial satellites.
If you launch it into space using rocket propulsion technology, it is a satellite, and if you launch it to another continent (country), it is a weapon... (North Korea has a track record)
The Japanese government announced that it would intercept the plan after being informed of it.
First, the rocket debris fell on Japanese territory.
As mentioned above, there is concern about whether the intention is really a satellite or missile test.
On the one hand, there are voices of concern that Korea was passed over and only Japan and the United States were notified.
In fact, two days ago , Japanese Prime Minister Kishida requested unconditional talks with North Korea.
I thought North Korea would accept this and laugh it off, but
When you see this sudden announcement, it seems like North Korea is trying to bring something to the negotiating table.
For reference, North Korea is currently experiencing food shortages due to drought (and the war with Russia).
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