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Twitch decides to withdraw from Korea, network usage fees are too expensive...
Twitch's decision to withdraw from the Korean market is not simply a matter of network usage fees, but rather involves a multi-layered problem. There are various perspectives to understand this issue in depth. In fact, perspectives are not that important to users, and they are curious about what actually changes.
Dan Clancy announced the withdrawal through Twitch Live and held a press conference.
Viewer's perspective
Live broadcasts and video viewing available even after withdrawal
After the withdrawal, you will no longer be able to purchase any paid content on Twitch.
Refunds for subscriptions, turbos, and beats can be requested until March 27, 2024
Streamer's stance
Video can be uploaded via live broadcast or Twitter
Monetization via Twitch (ads, subscriptions, hype chat, bits, etc.) is not possible.
However, it is possible to receive support through services such as Twip and Toonation.
You cannot apply for partnership or partnership, and the partnership or partnership agreement will end on June 4, 2024.
All profits, including those under $50 from the time of withdrawal, are automatically settled
Not subject to the simultaneous streaming guidelines in the Twitch Terms of Service
There is talk about mesh usage fees and such, but Twitch's position is similar to last year. (When the video quality is lowered) Mesh usage fees are expensive.
Twitch Entry
Twitch's ROI for its Korean service is low because its network usage fees in Korea are 10 times higher than in other countries.
Although the Korean e-Sports market is large and has many talented creators, it is unfortunately difficult to continue supporting them.
Twitch Korea will withdraw from Korea as of February 2024, and Twitch's official service will no longer be available in Korea.
KTOA's position
The success of domestic internet broadcasting service AfreecaTV and Naver's new service launch plan led to Twitch's decision to withdraw from the market.
In fact, there has been a series of resignations of high-ranking executives at Twitch headquarters recently, and this is a reflection of the deterioration of internal management and conflict, and network usage fees are cited as the reason.
In fact, when Twitch announced in October 2022 that it would lower the video quality, the issue of network usage fees was a hot topic, but with Twitch's recent management deterioration, everyone is wondering if this decision will lead to an honorable death. Well, the truth is out there, but it is true that Twitch has been in a very difficult management situation recently.
However, the withdrawal of Twitch Korea does not mean the termination of the service, but rather the withdrawal of Twitch Korea, and the service itself will remain available. However, the point is that it will become difficult to pay for Twitch paid products and official support will become impossible.
Twitch Official Statement
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