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America's First AI Executive Order: What's Changing and Why It Matters?
Recently, US President Joe Biden announced an executive order on artificial intelligence (AI). This is the first time that the US government has set specific guidelines and regulations for AI, and it is receiving attention along with many issues. President Biden explained the meaning of this executive order by saying that the AI executive order is moving in the direction of strengthening safety and regulation in various aspects in preparation for the rapid development of AI technology. (After all, it is a regulation...)
Safety and Security Standards
AI companies must safety test new systems and submit the results to the federal government.
The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced it will be issuing guidance on AI watermarking.
Privacy and Rights Protection
Privacy: We will create guidelines to evaluate privacy-preserving technologies used in AI.
Anti-discrimination: We will set standards to ensure that AI does not increase discriminatory practices in housing or loan approvals.
Labor Market and Innovation
Labor Market Report: We will produce a report on the impact of AI on the labor market.
Promoting innovation and competitiveness: We will expand support for AI research in areas such as climate change.
Why is this executive order important?
Impact on National Security and Economy: As AI technology advances rapidly, it could pose serious threats to national security and the economy if left unchecked.
Social and ethical issues: AI may raise a variety of social and ethical issues, including discrimination and inequality.
Preparing for the Future: This Executive Order is the first step toward America’s leadership in AI.
In fact, the most notable feature of this executive order is that it has legal effect... Personally, I feel it is a shame that it is not yet in a position to put the brakes on something, rather than the usual US method of first releasing something and then watching the market accept it and then regulating it afterwards.
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