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Isn’t artificial intelligence something that only developers are excited about?
Hot potato on hacker news
Aren’t people in the tech industry stuck in an AI echo chamber?
Echo chamber is a term used in the past, similar to filter bubble, and can be understood as a culture among them.
So, the topic is like, "AI is causing a stir, but honestly, isn't it only IT people who are making a fuss?"
In fact, many people in the comments responded by saying things like, “Is there such a thing?” when they showed artificial intelligence to people around them or people outside of the IT field.
The question is whether it has no real impact on ordinary people (most users), such as personal computers, the Internet, and smartphones.
There are various discussions taking place through the thread.
Most of the recent "AI" related business ideas seem to be people hooking up a text box to ChatGPT's API and pretending to do something new or impressive .
It is not having a significant impact on actual wealth creation.
In fact, I feel like 'it's really necessary' since there is already an alternative.
The same negative and positive opinions are being discussed... (It's funny how he gets serious when someone compares him to cryptocurrency)
The most impressive thing I've heard recently is that if we were to be specific, this is a transitional period like PDAs and UMPCs. Before smartphones came out, they were called 'innovations'.
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