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AI is hot, so why is Apple quiet?
Google, Meta, MS, etc. are getting a lot of attention for AI and generative models. In fact, existing big tech companies are actively collaborating with companies with LLMs such as OpenAI and Anthropic. Among them, the name that is not heard is Apple. Apple is probably the only brand that makes everyone in the world go crazy, but they are quiet this time.
Of course, Apple GPT will be released with a few articles like a flyer. In fact, there have been many stories such as Apple not being interested in AI and being a MR idiot. In fact, Apple has been operating an AI/ML team for several years and has its own language model such as Ajax, and according to a recent interview with Tim Cook, it has already developed a product using generative AI technology internally and is coordinating the schedule for external release.
In fact, Apple recently released a proposal for Matryoshka Diffusion Models, which overcomes the limitations of existing image generation methods using diffusion models and enables efficient image and video generation even at high resolutions. It is actually a valid method, and it shows considerably fast and high quality for 1024 square images. Looking at this movement, it seems that Apple is achieving results on its own in image generation models, language models, etc., and like the M1 chip release, it will release the content around the time optimization is complete. https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15111
I remember someone leaving a comment on Hacker News a while back. The comment about generative AI was impressive: "It's hallucination if you hate it, and creativity if you like it." Some may see Apple's actions and conclude that they are not doing a good job with AI, but they may be moving cautiously as they always have. Even in PR, they are not overdoing it.
As a long-time Apple fan and user, I am confident that this will provide real help and meaningful results, as always.
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