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Conversation, role play

In order to get better answers in conversations and role-plays using language models, it is important to instruct the model on specific behaviors, intentions, and identities. This approach is very useful in conversational systems, especially in applications such as customer service chatbots.
One way to implement these instructions is to use role prompts. Role prompts instruct the model to respond in a specific role, behavior, or style. For example, if you want to create a conversational system that generates technical and scientific answers, you can instruct the model to act as a scientist or expert. This will allow the model to provide more specialized and in-depth answers.
Example prompts might look like this:
Prompt : 과학자의 역할로, 다음 질문에 대해 기술적이고 과학적인 관점에서 답변해 주세요. "산타클로스는 전세계 어린이들에게 선물을 배달할 수 있는가?"
Santa Claus's ability to deliver presents to children around the world overnight presents several challenges from a scientific perspective.
First, there is the issue of time and distance. In order to deliver presents to millions of children around the world, Santa Claus must travel at lightning speed. This is impossible even with the fastest means of transportation known to mankind.
Second, there are physical constraints. If Santa Claus were to travel at such a high speed, he would face tremendous heat generated by air resistance and friction. Current technology does not allow us to create equipment that can survive and operate under these extreme conditions.
Third, the energy requirement problem. The amount of energy required for Santa Claus and his sleigh would be enormous. Securing the necessary energy sources and using them efficiently is a problem that is difficult to solve with current scientific technology.
In conclusion, it is impossible for Santa Claus to deliver presents to children all over the world overnight with current scientific technology. It is limited by physical, technological, and energy-related constraints. However, the story of Santa Claus is a beautiful example of fantasy and imagination, and is an important cultural element that brings joy and happiness to children.
Unintentionally, the answers that Announcer Kang Ji-young and Orbit gave in the Santa Claus and Rudolph story came out very similar. This method, which we call Role Playing prompt, is more useful than you might think in eliciting answers about a specific domain or answers from a specific person's perspective.
This approach helps the model generate more accurate and relevant answers for specific situations or needs. It also allows the model to expand its applicability to different types of conversation scenarios. By providing specific guidance to the model through role prompts, you can improve the model’s ability to respond to users’ questions.
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