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Image Creation Prompt Basics

We continued the basic principles of prompt engineering in the previous guide. Applying this to image creation would look like this:
Set clear goals: Clearly define the detailed characteristics of the image you want. For example, clarify specific elements such as scenery, characters, and colors.
Use detailed descriptions: Be specific about the details of the image in the prompt. Describe in detail, for example, “a bright beach with a view of the blue sea.”
Use creative expression: Use emotional or creative expression to create unique images. For example, there is such an expression as "a fairy in a dreamy forest."
How to Write Effective Prompts
Use clear keywords: Be clear about the keywords that will be key elements of your image. For example, “mountain”, “sea”, “city”, etc.
Specify style and mood: Specify the style or mood of the image. For example, “realistic,” “abstract,” “fantastic,” etc.
Specify color and lighting: Include a specific color or lighting feel in your prompt. For example, “sunset lighting,” “pastel colors,” etc.
Latest research and development trends
Fine-grained image adjustments: Recent research is improving fine-grained image adjustments. For example, the ability to modify only specific parts of an image that has already been created is being researched.
Integration of natural language processing: The combination of natural language processing technology and image generation technology is making it possible to create more sophisticated and natural images.
User-tailored creation: A system that analyzes the user's past input data and suggests an appropriate image style is also being researched.
Since there are a variety of picture-specific models available, such as Stable Diffusion, DALLE-3, and FIREFLY, there is actually no specific prompt for any model. Certain services, such as Midjourney, have their own abbreviations or commands because they are serviced through Discord, but the point is that instructions must be given in detail and clearly as above.
Recently, a method called Negative Prompt has been introduced to specify what is not to be expressed in image creation. This serves as a blacklist that prevents various issues such as sexual content or text, squeezing hands, and racial discrimination, and helps users obtain the image they want.
Good options to use when creating images
Specificity Purpose: To clearly describe the details of the image to achieve the desired result. Example: It is effective to be specific, such as “a black cat sitting under an autumn tree.”
Size ex) "1024×1024" (1:1, square) "1792×1024" (wide, approximately 16:9 ratio) "1024×1792" (tall, approximately 9:16 ratio)
Image Type options: You can choose from a variety of styles, including Photo, Oil Painting, Watercolor Painting, Illustration, Cartoon, Drawing, Vector, and Render.
Characteristics & Background: Character: Gender, skin color, hairstyle, clothing, etc. can be specified. Background: You can specify colors, objects, scenery, time of day (day/night), etc.
Including Text option: You can include text of your choice in the image and specify the text's content, font, size, location, etc.
Color Specification Example: Colors can be explicitly specified, such as “red car”, “illustration with light blue background”, etc.
Complexity Control Example: You can control the complexity of an image by using words such as “simple,” “detailed,” or “complex.”
Emotion and Expression Examples: “Happy dog”, “Sad woman”, etc. You can specify the facial expression or emotional state of a person or animal.
Art Style Specification Note: References may be made to the style of a particular painter or art movement, but not directly to the style of a more recent writer or artist.
Multiple Objects Example: If you want to include multiple objects, such as “a blue banana next to a red apple and a green pear,” list each object explicitly.
Combination and Interaction Example: When you want two or more objects to interact or be expressed in a specific way, such as “a cat playing the piano” or “a bird sitting on a tree,” the interaction Explain the operation explicitly.
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