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Semiconductor story, about Samsung Electronics and Hynix
Recently, while having a meal with someone from Samsung Electronics DS, we got to talking about a company called Padu, which has become a hot topic. It was about semiconductor design and production, and I don't have much knowledge, so I didn't understand 100%, but among Padu and the new domestic semiconductor manufacturing and production companies that have been mentioned recently, only one has a proper production line, and the rest only design and produce small quantities of that design as OEM on other production lines.
In the AI chip industry, where prices are at their highest and everyone is lining up to get a number, Nvidia and TSMC occupy a very strong position and have already set a high barrier to entry for new competitors. Nvidia has about 95% of the GPU market, and TSMC has about 90% of the world's high-end chip market. The companies boast high profitability, recording sales profit margins of 74% and 60%, respectively.
The strength of these companies is due to a variety of factors. For example, Nvidia holds thousands of patents on hardware and related software libraries, while TSMC has invested more than eight years in advanced packaging technology, giving it an edge over rivals like Samsung. In addition, the extreme ultraviolet lithography machines needed to produce advanced chips are monopolized by ASML in the Netherlands, and even if ordered now, it usually takes an average of two years to receive the machines.
This is the value of semiconductor-related stocks listed in the United States. Comparing this figure with the market cap of Samsung Electronics' semiconductor division and SK Hynix...
Against this backdrop, it takes a lot of capital and time for new chip manufacturers to enter the market, and even if they overcome technological challenges, it is very difficult to catch up with the on-site advantage enjoyed by Nvidia and TSMC. The semiconductors that domestic companies currently have are positioned as general-purpose and frequently used ones rather than high-performance chips. Of course, demand for these will not decrease immediately. However, in the end, unless they build a good consortium or find a new path within 2-3 years, it seems that it will be difficult to have fun in the semiconductor industry in the future.
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