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StackOverflow cuts staff by 28%
This is a StackOverflow story that I've covered before, but it comes up when I forget. According to recent news, StackOverflow laid off 28% of its staff after the advent of ChatGPT. This situation raises important questions about how AI and the community interact.
For reference, as recently as April of this year, the CEO of StackoverFlow emphasized the role of the community manager, saying that community is the only way to survive. https://join.ledby.community/p/week-35
The emergence of ChatGPT and the changes to Stack Overflow
ChatGPT has had a huge impact on the developer community with its ability to provide code optimization and explanations. This has left platforms like Stack Overflow losing their competitive edge. According to an article in Ars Technica, Stack Overflow is working on a new service called “Overflow AI” to counter this.
Includes a number of community managers
Many community managers were involved in this layoff, and their main role was to boost the development community, host meetings and events, and activate the community. However, as the number of users decreased, their roles also decreased, making their departure inevitable. Some have pointed out that firing community managers with such deep involvement in the community is an action that breaks StackOverflow's trust with the community members. ( Personally, I think that if the members are disappearing, what trust can there be?)
The advent of AI technologies such as ChatGPT is bringing about major changes to existing community platforms. Adapting to and responding to these changes is not easy, and the importance of people in roles such as community managers is becoming more prominent. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between technological advancement and the sustainability of the community.
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