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ChatGPT unveils new voice and image features
OpenAI is adding new voice and image features to ChatGPT, according to an announcement published on September 25, 2023. These features expand the scope of ChatGPT and provide new experiences for users.
Voice function
The voice feature of ChatGPT allows users to have voice conversations with ChatGPT. Users can now ask questions or start conversations with ChatGPT using their voices. This feature can be useful in many situations.
For example, you can take a picture of a landmark or point of interest while you’re out and about and show it to ChatGPT to get information or historical background about the place. Or you can interact with ChatGPT using your voice to resolve a dinner discussion with your family or solve a math problem for your child.
Image features
The image feature of ChatGPT allows users to show ChatGPT one or more images. This allows it to perform a variety of tasks. Users can take a picture of the contents of their refrigerator or pantry and ask ChatGPT what to cook. They can also describe a problem with their device or appliance using a picture and get troubleshooting advice from ChatGPT.
Using multimodal GPT models GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, ChatGPT can understand and process both text and images. This allows users to conduct conversations by leveraging various information sources.
Expected possibilities
These voice and image features allow ChatGPT to be used in a wider range of situations. It is expected to open up a variety of scenarios and possibilities in the fields of travel, cooking, education, communication, problem solving, learning, and research.
Additionally, the use of ChatGPT through voice and images will support the development of creative usage methods and applications, which will lead to richer conversation and interaction experiences.
OpenAI currently offers this feature to Plus and Enterprise users, with plans to expand it to other user groups in the future.
With these features, ChatGPT is expected to become a useful companion in users' daily lives and work. Discover new ways and scenarios to interact with ChatGPT by effectively utilizing voice and images.
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