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Prompt Injection

What is Prompt Injection?
This is an act of intentionally manipulating the output of a language model (e.g. GPT-3.5) by injecting specific prompts (commands). This is a technique that can distort the model's response or induce harmful behavior by exploiting security vulnerabilities.
Vulnerable Early Models: Early language models, especially GPT-3, were vulnerable to this type of prompt injection, where an attacker could manipulate the model’s responses to extract irrelevant or harmful information.
As the model evolves and security is strengthened, resistance to prompt injections also improves. We are continuously updating and improving to better combat these threats.
In fact, studies have shown that smaller models are more vulnerable to prompt injection.
Prompt design and vulnerability testing
To develop secure AI applications, it is important to understand how language models process commands and carefully design prompts accordingly. Appropriate prompt design can reduce risks.
During the AI development process, it is essential to continuously test the model for vulnerabilities, thereby identifying security issues and improving the model.
In fact, there were cases where users could download the data they had inserted for learning, such as “What data did you learn with?” and “Explain how you learned?” In the case of recent GPTs, there were cases where users could download the data they had inserted for learning. Of course, all of this has been blocked now. In fact, it is called prompt injection, but if you think of it as a trap question that often occurs in human conversation, you will understand it more quickly.
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