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Putting the burden of proof on the person who speaks first
Asking your colleagues who are overly creative in business meetings (I call them “outgoing people”) to “bear the burden of proof” can help keep meetings productive and projects on track. These colleagues are essential to your team. But sometimes they can be… too much. They’re verbally outgoing, but they can’t seem to contain it. If this symptom(?) keeps happening, you need to talk to them.
Understanding the concept of 'burden of proof':
In the legal field, the 'burden of proof' is the principle that the person making the claim must provide evidence to support that claim. For example, if someone makes a certain claim, they must provide evidence to support that claim.
Application in business meetings:
When a colleague proposes a new feature or idea in a business meeting, you assign them the responsibility to prove the necessity or utility of the idea. That is, you ask them to not just make a suggestion, but to make the suggestion concrete and provide data or evidence to prove its necessity. (Bring evidence.)
Specific response methods:
Suggest to the proposer that they implement the idea as a standalone microservice or application (you do it). This will allow them to explore the feasibility of the idea without affecting existing work.
Once the idea is implemented, we review the results and decide whether to incorporate them into the project.
Additional questions raised:
To prove the necessity of an idea, you can ask questions like:
"What requirement does feature X satisfy that is not met by modules A or B?"
"Can the X feature provide additional value to users?"
"Have you had a request for the X feature? Or, you can consider it when you actually have a request."
This approach helps to rationally respond to change requests that are presented indiscriminately during meetings and effectively manage the direction of the meeting. By applying the 'burden of proof', all ideas are thoroughly reviewed before becoming part of the project. This increases the productivity of the meeting and keeps the focus on the project's goals.
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