
🌐 UseCase 11. Surreal Metamorphosis

11. Surreal Metamorphosis
This prompt creates visually striking transformations that blur the lines between reality and fantasy.
Create visually striking transformations that blur the line between reality and fantasy.
Transformation Keywords: 'morphing', 'transforming', 'being covered'
describe the act of change, emphasizing the fluid and dynamic nature of the metamorphosis.
Describes the act of change, emphasizing the fluid and dynamic nature of transformation.
Subject Keywords: 'fish', 'mouse', 'porcelain donkey', 'computer mouse'
specify the objects or beings undergoing transformation
A deforming object or subject
Visual Style Keywords: 'cinematic', 'highly detailed', 'art directed'
guide the overall look and quality of the scenes.
Guide to the overall appearance and quality of the scene
11-01. Fish to Mouse Transformation
Prompt: A first cinematic person POV shot of a hand holding a small fish morphing into a field mouse.
Cinematic first person POV shot: Specifies the viewpoint and visual quality.
Cinematic quality first-person perspective shots provide the audience with a direct and immersive experience.
Hand holding a small fish: Describes the initial state and framing.
The hand holding the small fish is set as the starting point to show the beginning of the transformation.
Morphing into a field mouse: Specifies the transformation.
It depicts the process of transformation into a field mouse, creating visual interest through unexpected transformations.
11-02. Slime-Covered Porcelain Donkey
Prompt: A highly detailed portrait of a porcelain donkey being covered by thick slime. Cinematic, highly detailed, film grade.
Highly detailed portrait: Specifies the level of detail and framing.
A highly detailed portrait style showing every little detail of the transformation process.
Porcelain donkey: Describes the initial subject.
By setting up a porcelain donkey as the object of transformation, you create a unique and interesting starting point.
Being covered by thick slime: Specifies the transformation process.
Depicts the process of being covered in thick slime, showing contrast and gradual changes in texture.
Cinematic, highly detailed, film grade: Guides the overall visual quality.
Create professional, high-quality visual effects with cinematic quality and high detail.
11-03. Mouse to Computer Mouse Transformation
Prompt: A straight on art directed shot of a furry mouse running across a desk in a 1980s cubicle and transforming into a computer mouse.
Straight on art directed shot: Specifies the camera angle and visual style.
An artistically staged shot taken from the front clearly shows the transformation process.
Furry mouse running across a desk: Describes the initial state and action.
It starts with a hairy mouse running across a desk, creating a dynamic scene.
1980s cubicle: Sets the time period and environment.
Set in an office cubicle in the 1980s, it depicts a specific era and environment.
Transforming into a computer mouse: Specifies the end result of the transformation.
It shows a humorous and symbolic transformation through the process of turning into a computer mouse.