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2024 Election: Who are you voting for?

Independent Research by Dominic. K & Jerry J. Thank you for your voice!
Are you afiliated with a party?
Democratic 🫏
Republican 🐘
If other, please specify
Who is your preferred candidate for the 2024 Presidential Election?
Joseph Biden
Donald J. Trump
Marianne Williamson
Nikki Hailey
If other, please specify
To ensure a secure and credible discussion environment, only logged-in users can participate in the open debate. Please note that even though logging in is required, your participation will remain anonymous, safeguarding your privacy while contributing to a trustworthy debate.
Purpose of the Poll
This survey aims to gauge public opinion regarding potential candidates for the 2024 United States Presidential Election. As an independent research team with a keen interest in political trends and public opinion, we are conducting this poll to contribute to the broader understanding of current political preferences and sentiments among diverse groups of voters.
About the Poll
This survey is not affiliated with any registered polling organization, company, political party, or candidate. It is a non-partisan effort conducted independently to gather and analyze public opinions on potential presidential candidates for the upcoming election.
Survey Methodology
Sampling Method: Random selection within the target group to ensure a representative sample of the population.
Survey Medium: Online questionnaire, accessible through platforms such as X, Reddit.
Confidentiality: Participant responses will be kept confidential, and only aggregate data will be published.
Analysis and Reporting
The collected data will be analyzed to understand voter preferences and trends. A comprehensive report will be compiled and made available to the public, offering insights into the political climate leading up to the 2024 Presidential Election.

Research by Dominic K. & Jerry J.