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Ghost Versus SlashPage

How to Build a decent blog website without coding !
These days, many people share their thoughts, achievements, and daily lives on the internet, and among the various platforms, Ghost is widely used. Ghost is a fantastic open-source blogging platform that has gained popularity among many users. I've personally used it for a few years, and it was quite impressive! However, in South Korea, a well-known internet-savvy country, many people started using Slash Page as their blogging tool. So, I decided to compare the two in a match ! Let's see the match between Ghost and SlashPage under my commentary.
SlashPage VS Ghost
Round 1 : Photo
The first round is Photo, to make your blog more impressive, it is super essential to make photos more colorized.
Look at the Ghost ! So impressive that it provides appliance of various effects to photos. It is like much like setting filters on Instagram. You can add diverse effects, and even do drawings on each photo. However, adjusting the size of a photo can be a bit challenging. You need to type numbers, which is not intutitive.
On the other hand, SlashPage makes it easy to resize photos compared to Ghost. While certain types of filters and drawing functions may be limited in SlashPage, users can still collaborate with photos and text intuitively.
Furthermore, round the corners with just a click ! That is a genuine feature that SlashPage could provide.
Corner Radius
Adding effects to photos can be done with other apps, but the advantages that SlashPage offers are the things you can only do within the platform. Therefore, for the aspect of photos, I would give the win to SlashPage.
SlashPage 1 : Ghost 0
Round 2 : the Number of Users
Now, they are fighting on the field of the number of users! The purpose of blog is to share the content I write, so in this context, having a large user base would be beneficial. Look, as I speak, Ghost is packing a punch, being proud of its number of users! !
SlashPage 1 : Ghost 1
Ghost ranks 3rd in Blog Usage Distribution, following WordPress and Blogger. We can see the creation of over 8,000 new blogs built with Ghost every week. Companies like OpenAI, Cloudflare, Square, and Mozilla utilize the Ghost CMS, which Ghost could be proud of. The platform has gained significant popularity.
On the other hand, SlashPage is still gaining awareness, but it is showing rapid growth, particularly in markets like Korea, the United States, Japan, etc. Currently, it has surpassed XXXX Monthly Active Users (MAU).
In the field of user numbers, Ghost defeated SlashPage ! However, let's also applaud for SlashPage for its passion of rapid advance 👏
Round 3 : Pricing
We can never forget to talk about pricing. However, too bad for Ghost. In the field of pricing, it seems that no one could beat SlashPage up !
SlashPage 2 : Ghost 1
Certainly, Ghost Pro is a formidable competitor, it charges its customers but still receives favorable reviews. The limitations on theme choices are alleviated in the paid version, providing a number of various themes. However, you need to pay from 11 bucks up to 249 bucks per month ! 💸💸💸 Although Ghost Pro provides good features, it is true that it's quite burdening.
However, SlashPage is a GOAT in the field of pricing. It's completely free! Zero! Themes are free, and even the dashboard is provided for free under the theme of analysis. No need for further description because you can enjoy dashboard, variuos themes, customization of domains, SEO and chatting channels at no cost.
Round 4 : Organizing
Certainly, organizing numerous pages and posts on a blog is crucial, and a blogging tool plays a significant role in assisting with that.
SlashPage 3 : Ghost 1
Ghost, while offering many great features like a top banner, can be a bit unfriendly for beginners in terms of User-Interface. It has various functions, but figuring out how to create a new category on the top banner, for example, can be challenging for someone navigating it alone. Additionally, although you can create buttons to show relationships between pages, Ghost lacks the ability to attach photos to buttons, which may be a drawback for some users. Moreover, the page as the draft and the page as the published site is slightly different, especially in its font.
On the other hand, SlashPage allows you organize your pages in good designs. You can attach photos to buttons! With a user-friendly interface, it empowers anyone, regardless of their expertise level, to manage blog pages effortlessly. All you need to know is how to input a slash, press the black plus button, and publish. That easy! Moreover, when you publish from the editing page, it will be editted one to one, not like Ghost.
Ceremony of victory 🏆
To celebrate, SlashPage has brought its best feature, communication channel ! Look at the ceremony of victory, he is confident that his communication channels will be innovation.
For ceremony, SlashPage is introducing its communication channels, listening to the crowds.
Slash Page has a clear advantage in terms of communication. It offers specialized communication channels such as comments and chat. Additionally, through recent update, survey and checking out the results have become available. These diverse communication tools enhance interaction with readers, providing bloggers with more feedback and support. SlashPage stands out for fostering deeper communication with readers through these features.
You can check them out right away.
Final Score, 1:3 the victory of SlashPage. The match was awesome, and wonderful ceremony featuring communication followed. SlashPage, a hot rookie slaughtered Ghost, a traditional stronghold.
Now, it's your turn to innovate the Internet culture through your own blog. Check the blog guideline in this page, and be the blogger ! Should you need any help or questions, feel free to contact me through this link.
It was June. Thanks a lot.
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