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Explore the Magic of Design Systems | Start Design Systems
A collection of design system resources that you will need to get started with your journey of understanding and building design systems.
Design systems
The Component Gallery is a collection of components from the best Design Systems.
A design systems publication by Figma
Design Systems Repo
An organized and frequently updated collection of Design System examples, resources, tools, articles and videos.
Free Figma Component Library
We've curated the best Figma components in one place. Discover, copy and paste UI components in Figma with the most efficient way to build designs. Get all the essentials for any design project in one place. From buttons to data visualizations, you'll find the perfect component here with a few clicks.
디자인 토큰
Design Token으로 GS SHOP App 디자인 시스템 구축 스토리
안녕하세요. 저는 GS SHOP Mobile 개발팀에서 디자인 시스템 구축을 담당하고 있는 이인영입니다. 디자인 시스템에 대해 Product UX 팀의 박이슬 매니저님께서 상세히 작성해 주신 내용들이 있기에 저는 간략하게 디자인 시스템에 대해 설명하고 현재까지 어떤 방식으로 디자인 시스템을 작업하고 있는지, 디자이너와 개발자의 협업과 디자인 토큰이 무엇인지 그리고 디자인 토큰을 정의하여 테마를 적용해 보는 것에 대해 이야기해 보려고 합니다. 작년 9월 말 모바일 개발팀에 합류하게 되면서부터 GS SHOP 디자인 시스템을 구축하기 시작했습니다. 디자인 시스템은 회사 내에서 많은 분들이 관심을 가지고 계시는 분야이기도 하고 전 세계적으로도 계속해서 뜨거운 이슈입니다. Google의 Material Desig..
Design Tokens - Lightning Design System
브랜드 시스템
Material Design
Build beautiful, usable products faster. Material Design is an adaptable system—backed by open-source code—that helps teams build high quality digital experiences.
Gmarket Design System
G마켓의 브랜드 정체성, 사용성, 일관성을 고려한 디자인 시스템의 가이드라인을 소개합니다.
Design - Apple Developer
Find documentation and resources for designing great apps for Apple platforms.
Design Systems For Figma
A collection of Design Systems for Figma from all over the globe.
Carbon Design System
Carbon is IBM’s open source design system for products and digital experiences. With the IBM Design Language as its foundation, the system consists of working code, design tools and resources, human interface guidelines, and a vibrant community of contributors.
Spectrum, Adobe’s design system
Spectrum provides interface components, resources, and tools to help teams work more efficiently and to make applications more consistent.
Fluent UI React
Fluent UI React Components is a set of UI components and utilities resulting from an effort to converge the set of React based component libraries in production today: @fluentui/react and @fluentui/react-northstar.
Fluent 2 Design System
Explore the next evolution of Microsoft’s design system, enabling more seamless collaboration and creativity than ever. Move fluidly from design to development, between apps, and across platforms.
Lightning Design System
Login - Uber
Atlassian Design System
Design, develop, deliver. Use Atlassian's end-to-end design language to create simple, intuitive, and beautiful experiences.
LINE Design System
LINE Design System is an integrated set of guidelines for components, interaction methods, and other aspects that contribute to LINE's design and user experience.
SOCAR FRAME · zeroheight
Ant Design - The world's second most popular React UI framework
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library with a set of high-quality React components, one of best React UI library for enterprises
Redefining Progress
Airbnb Design
A behind-the-scenes look at our design culture, process, learnings, and storytelling. Inspired by work, travel, and the creatives we serendipitously meet along the way.
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